2023-01-31T22:59:10+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>Relative risk </p>, <p>a/a+b / c/c+d</p>, <p>Absolute Risk Reduction (ARR)</p>, <p>a/a+b - c/c+d</p>, <p>Relative Risk Reduction</p>, <p>RR - 1</p>, <p>1/ARR</p> flashcards
Risk & Odds Ratio

Risk & Odds Ratio

  • Relative risk

    -the proportion of participants who were affected in the control group would still be affected in the experimental group.

  • a/a+b / c/c+d

    Formula for Relative Risk?

  • Absolute Risk Reduction (ARR)

    -what proportion of participants will benefit from experimental intervention.

  • a/a+b - c/c+d

    Formula for Absolute Risk Reduction?

  • Relative Risk Reduction

    what proportion of affected individuals in the control group would benefit from being in the experimental group.

  • RR - 1

    Formula for Relative Risk Reduction ?

  • 1/ARR

    Formula for NNT & NNH?