a) Outline three things’ Muslims believe about Isa. (3)
One Muslim belief about Isa is that he was Allah’s messenger. Another Muslim belief about Isa is that he was born to a virgin mother. Another belief is that he performed miracles by the will and permission of Allah.
b) Explain two things the life of prophet Adam teaches Muslims. (4)
One thing the life of prophet Adam teaches Muslims is that they must obey Allah. This is because Adam succumbed to Shaytan and was punished so Muslims learn from his mistakes. Another lesson is that Allah will always send guidance. This is because He helped Adam even after he had left the garden.
b) Explain two reasons why Muhammad is an important prophet in Islam. (4)
One reason Muhammad is important in Islam that he was the ‘seal of the prophets.’ This means that he brought the final message from Allah and completed Islam. Another reason is that he is a role model for Muslims. This means that Muslims only need to follow the example set by Muhammad to get into Jannah.
b) Explain two reasons why prophets are important for Muslims. (4)
One reason prophets are important for Muslims is that prophets brought the guidance of Allah. This means that they gave Muslims salvation. Another reason is that all prophets brought the same message. This shows that Allah is unchanging.
c) Explain two things that Muslims can learn from the lives of the prophets. SOWA. (5)
One thing Muslims can learn from the lives of prophets is Muslims may learn the importance of being a good person. The Qur’an says of Muhammad ‘And indeed, you are of a great moral character’. This teaches Muslims that they must follow his example and be honest and trustworthy. Another thing Muslims can learn is the importance of obedience and repentance. Prophet Adam disobeyed Allah’s instructions and was punished, so Muslims can learn from his mistake.
d) “The lives of the prophets are the best way for a Muslim to understand how to
live.” (15)