2017-07-27T17:46:36+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true Feminist theology, Religious segregation, Toleration, Kadimah (student association), Concordat, State religion, Edict of Fontainebleau, Secularization, Kulturkampf, Camisard, Prussian Union of churches, Edict of Nantes, Theocracy, Dhimmi, Clerical fascism, Reichskonkordat, Hindu politics, Religious views on same-sex marriage, Marxism and religion, Catholic Church and Nazi Germany, Stalinist show trial of the Kraków Curia, Jewish political movements, Strengths and weaknesses of evolution, Commission for Building Fifty New Churches, Religious liberalism in Rajput courts, Jewish left, No Religious Test Clause, Religious affiliations of Presidents of the United States, Islamic democracy, Blue Mass, Religion and politics in the United States, Teach the Controversy, Racism in the Palestinian territories, Judaism and politics, Catholic Church and Nazi Germany during World War II, Red Mass flashcards
Religion and politics

Religion and politics

  • Feminist theology
    Feminist theology is a movement found in several religions, including Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, and New Thought, to reconsider the traditions, practices, scriptures, and theologies of those religions from a feminist perspective.
  • Religious segregation
    Religious segregation is the separation of people according to their religion.
  • Toleration
    Toleration is "the practice of deliberately allowing or permitting a thing of which one disapproves.
  • Kadimah (student association)
    Kadimah (Hebrew: קדימה‎‎, lit. Forwards) was the first Jewish student association in Vienna, founded many years before Theodor Herzl became the leading spokesman of the Zionist movement.
  • Concordat
    A concordat is convention between the Holy See and a sovereign state that defines the relationship between the Catholic Church and the state in matters that concern both, i.
  • State religion
    A state religion (also called an established religion, state church, established church, or official religion) is a religious body or creed officially endorsed by the state.
  • Edict of Fontainebleau
    The Edict of Fontainebleau (22 October 1685) was an edict issued by Louis XIV of France, also known as the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes.
  • Secularization
    Secularization is the transformation of a society from close identification with religious values and institutions toward nonreligious values and secular institutions.
  • Kulturkampf
    The German term (pronounced [kʊlˈtuːɐ̯kampf], literally "culture struggle") refers to power struggles between emerging constitutional and democratic nation states and the Roman Catholic Church over the place and role of religion in modern polity, usually in connection with secularization campaigns.
  • Camisard
    Camisards were Huguenots (French Protestants) of the rugged and isolated Cévennes region, and the Vaunage in southern France.
  • Prussian Union of churches
    The Prussian Union of Churches (known under multiple other names) was a major Protestant church body which emerged in 1817 from a series of decrees by Frederick William III of Prussia that united both Lutheran and Reformed denominations in Prussia.
  • Edict of Nantes
    The Edict of Nantes (French: édit de Nantes), signed on 13 of April 1598 by King Henry IV of France, granted the Calvinist Protestants of France (also known as Huguenots) substantial rights in the nation, which was still considered essentially Catholic at the time.
  • Theocracy
    Theocracy or ecclesiocracy is a form of government in which a deity is the source from which all authority derives.
  • Dhimmi
    A dhimmī (Arabic: ذمي‎‎ ḏimmī, IPA: [ˈðɪmmiː], collectively أهل الذمة ahl al-ḏimmah/dhimmah "the people of the dhimma") is a historical term referring to non-Muslim citizens of an Islamic state.
  • Clerical fascism
    Clerical fascism (also clero-fascism or clerico-fascism) is an ideology that combines the political and economic doctrines of fascism with clericalism, i.
  • Reichskonkordat
    The Reichskonkordat ("Concordat between the Holy See and the German Reich") is a treaty negotiated between the Vatican and the emergent Nazi Germany.
  • Hindu politics
    Hindu politics refers to the political movements professing to draw inspiration from Hinduism.
  • Religious views on same-sex marriage
    Various views are held or have been expressed by religious organisations in relation to same-sex marriage.
  • Marxism and religion
    The nineteenth-century German thinker Karl Marx, the founder and primary theorist of Marxism, had an ambivalent and complex attitude to religion, viewing it primarily as "the soul of soulless conditions", the "opium of the people" that had been useful to the ruling classes since it gave the working classes false hope for millennia.
  • Catholic Church and Nazi Germany
    Popes Pius XI (1922–39) and Pius XII (1939–58) led the Roman Catholic Church through the rise and fall of Nazi Germany.
  • Stalinist show trial of the Kraków Curia
    The Stalinist show trial of the Kraków Curia was a public trial of four Roman Catholic priests – members of the Kraków diocesan Curia – including three lay persons, accused by the Communist authorities in the People's Republic of Poland of subversion and spying for the United States.
  • Jewish political movements
    Jewish political movements refer to the organized efforts of Jews to build their own political parties or otherwise represent their interest in politics outside of the Jewish community.
  • Strengths and weaknesses of evolution
    "Strengths and weaknesses of evolution" is a controversial phrase that has been proposed for (and in Texas introduced into) public school science curricula.
  • Commission for Building Fifty New Churches
    The Commission for Building Fifty New Churches (in London and the surroundings) was an organisation set up by Act of Parliament in England in 1710, the New Churches in London and Westminster Act 1710, with the purpose of building fifty new churches for the rapidly growing conurbation of London.
  • Religious liberalism in Rajput courts
    There have been manifestations of religious liberalism in Rajput courts evident in acts of Rajput rulers who held sway over substantial areas of North India in past centuries, with support for Zoroastrianism, Buddhism and Jainism in addition to various Hindu sects.
  • Jewish left
    The term "Jewish left" describes Jews who identify with or support left wing, occasionally liberal causes, consciously as Jews, either as individuals or through organizations.
  • No Religious Test Clause
    The No Religious Test Clause of the United States Constitution is a clause within Article VI, Clause 3.
  • Religious affiliations of Presidents of the United States
    The religious affiliations of Presidents of the United States can affect their electability, shape their stances on policy matters and their visions of society and also how they want to lead it.
  • Islamic democracy
    Islamic democracy is a political ideology that seeks to apply Islamic principles to public policy within a democratic framework.
  • Blue Mass
    A Blue Mass is a Mass celebrated annually in the Catholic Church for those employed in the "public safety field" (i.e. police officers, firefighters, correctional officers, 911 operators and EMS Personnel).
  • Religion and politics in the United States
    Religion in the United States is remarkable in its high adherence level compared to other developed countries.
  • Teach the Controversy
    "Teach the Controversy" is a campaign, conducted by the Discovery Institute, to promote the pseudoscientific principle of intelligent design, a variant of traditional creationism, while attempting to discredit the teaching of evolution in United States public high school science courses.
  • Racism in the Palestinian territories
    Racism in the Palestinian territories refers mainly to campaigns of discrimination and intolerance.
  • Judaism and politics
    The relationship between Judaism and politics is a historically complex subject and a frequent source of disagreement among Jews.
  • Catholic Church and Nazi Germany during World War II
    Several Catholic countries and populations fell under Nazi domination during the period of the Second World War (1939–1945), and ordinary Catholics fought on both sides of the conflict.
  • Red Mass
    A Red Mass is a Mass celebrated annually in the Catholic Church for judges, attorneys, law school professors, students, and government officials.