2019-03-31T20:38:01+03:00[Europe/Moscow]entrueReal numbers, Factor, Multiple, Prime numbers, Composite numbers, The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic, Highest common factor, Lowest common multiple, Proof by contradiction, Integers, Rational numbers, Irrational number, Real Number System, Significant figures, Scientific notation/standard form, Order of magnitudeflashcards
The set of all numbers that lie along an infinitely long number line
Any natural number that divides evenly into a given number
A natural number which divides evenly into a given natural number
Prime numbers
Natural numbers that have two factors only
Composite numbers
Natural numbers greater than 1 that are not prime numbers
The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic
Every natural number greater than 1 is either prime or can be written as a unique product of primes
Highest common factor
The largest natural number that divides evenly into two given natural numbers
Lowest common multiple
The smallest multiple that two numbers share
Proof by contradiction
A form of proof that establishes the truth of a proposition by showing that the proposition being false would imply a contradiction
Zero and all the positive and negative numbers
Rational numbers
Fractions where the denominator is not 0 and the numerator and denominator are different
Irrational number
A number that cannot be written as a fraction
Real Number System
The rational numbers together with the irrational numbers
Significant figures
Express a magnitude to a specified degree of accuracy
Scientific notation/standard form
a × 10^n where a is more than or equal to one but less than 10 and n is an integer
Order of magnitude
A number rounded to the nearest power of 10
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