2017-08-03T04:02:00+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true Postsingular, The Causal Angel, The Chronoliths, Permutation City, The Quantum Thief, Baramulla Bomber, Ilium (novel), The Fractal Prince, Flatterland, Flight: A Quantum Fiction Novel, The Time Traveler's Wife flashcards
Quantum fiction novels

Quantum fiction novels

  • Postsingular
    Postsingular is a 2007 science-fiction novel written by American writer Rudy Rucker.
  • The Causal Angel
    The Causal Angel is the third science fiction novel by Hannu Rajaniemi featuring the protagonist Jean le Flambeur.
  • The Chronoliths
    The Chronoliths is a 2001 science fiction novel by Robert Charles Wilson.
  • Permutation City
    Permutation City is a 1994 science fiction novel by Greg Egan that explores many concepts, including quantum ontology, via various philosophical aspects of artificial life and simulated reality.
  • The Quantum Thief
    The Quantum Thief is the debut science fiction novel by Hannu Rajaniemi and the first novel in a trilogy featuring Jean le Flambeur.
  • Baramulla Bomber
    Baramulla Bomber is a science fiction espionage thriller and India's first mythological thriller written by Clark Prasad.
  • Ilium (novel)
    Ilium is a science fiction novel by Dan Simmons, the first part of the Ilium/Olympos cycle, concerning the re-creation of the events in the Iliad on an alternate Earth and Mars.
  • The Fractal Prince
    The Fractal Prince is the second science fiction novel by Hannu Rajaniemi and the second novel to feature the post-human gentleman thief Jean le Flambeur.
  • Flatterland
    Flatterland is a 2001 book by mathematician and science popularizer Ian Stewart about non-Euclidean geometry.
  • Flight: A Quantum Fiction Novel
    Flight: A Quantum Fiction Novel is a novel by American writer Vanna Bonta.
  • The Time Traveler's Wife
    The Time Traveler's Wife is the debut novel of American author Audrey Niffenegger, published in 2003.