2017-07-27T18:58:27+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true Behaviour therapy, Biofeedback, Morita therapy, Art therapy, Person-centered therapy, Protagonist, Worry, Positive psychotherapy, Self psychology, Interpersonal psychotherapy, Narrative therapy, Focusing, Equine-assisted therapy, Antipsychology, Acceptance and commitment therapy, Coherence therapy, Emotionally focused therapy, Universalization, Attachment therapy, Feminist therapy, Process-oriented psychology flashcards


  • Behaviour therapy
    Behavior therapy is a broad term referring to psychotherapy, behavior analytical, or a combination of the two therapies.
  • Biofeedback
    Biofeedback is the process of gaining greater awareness of many physiological functions primarily using instruments that provide information on the activity of those same systems, with a goal of being able to manipulate them at will.
  • Morita therapy
    Morita therapy is an ecological and purpose-centered, response oriented therapy created through case-based research by Shoma Morita, M.
  • Art therapy
    Art therapy (also known as arts therapy) is a creative method of expression used as a therapeutic technique.
  • Person-centered therapy
    Person-centered therapy (PCT) is also known as person-centered psychotherapy, person-centered counseling, client-centered therapy and Rogerian psychotherapy.
  • Protagonist
    A protagonist (from Ancient Greek πρωταγωνιστής (protagonistes), meaning "player of the first part, chief actor") is the main character in any story, such as a literary work or drama.
  • Worry
    Worry refers to the thoughts, images and emotions of a negative nature in a repetitive - uncontrollable manner that results from a proactive cognitive risk analysis made to avoid or solve anticipated potential threats and their potential consequences.
  • Positive psychotherapy
    Positive Psychotherapy (PPT) is a psychotherapeutic method developed by Nossrat Peseschkian and co-workers in Germany since 1968.
  • Self psychology
    Self psychology, a modern psychoanalytic theory and its clinical applications, was conceived by Heinz Kohut in Chicago in the 1960s, 70s, and 80s, and is still developing as a contemporary form of psychoanalytic treatment.
  • Interpersonal psychotherapy
    Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) is a brief, attachment-focused psychotherapy that centers on resolving interpersonal problems and symptomatic recovery.
  • Narrative therapy
    Narrative therapy is a form of psychotherapy that seeks to help people identify their values and the skills and knowledge they have to live these values, so they can effectively confront whatever problems they face.
  • Focusing
    Focusing is a psychotherapeutic process developed by psychotherapist Eugene Gendlin.
  • Equine-assisted therapy
    Equine-assisted therapy (EAT) encompasses a range of treatments that includes activities with horses and other equines to promote physical, occupational, and emotional growth in persons with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), anxiety, autism, cerebral palsy, dementia, depression, developmental delay, genetic syndromes (such as Down's syndrome), traumatic brain injuries, behavioral issues, abuse issues, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), drug and alcohol addiction, and other mental health problems.
  • Antipsychology
    Anti-psychology describes the suspicion and resistance that some people feel towards psychological treatment.
  • Acceptance and commitment therapy
    Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT, typically pronounced as the word "act") is a form of psychotherapy commonly described as a form of cognitive-behavior therapy or of clinical behavior analysis (CBA).
  • Coherence therapy
    Coherence therapy is a system of psychotherapy based in the theory that symptoms of mood, thought and behavior are produced coherently according to the person's current mental models of reality, most of which are implicit and unconscious.
  • Emotionally focused therapy
    Emotionally focused therapy (EFT), also known as emotion-focused therapy and process-experiential therapy, is a usually short-term (8–20 sessions) structured psychotherapy approach to working with individuals, couples, or families.
  • Universalization
    In social work practice universalisation is a supportive intervention used by the therapist to reassure and encourage his/her client.
  • Attachment therapy
    Attachment therapy is a controversial category of alternative child mental health interventions intended to treat attachment disorders.
  • Feminist therapy
    Feminist therapy is a set of related therapies arising from what proponents see as a disparity between the origin of most psychological theories and the majority of people seeking counseling being female.
  • Process-oriented psychology
    Process-oriented psychology, also called process work, is a depth psychology theory and set of techniques developed by Arnold Mindell and associated with transpersonal psychology, somatic psychology and post-Jungian psychology.