2017-07-27T18:15:07+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true Insight, Foot fetishism, Libido, Nightmare, Unconscious mind, Neurosis, Tavistock Institute, International Psychoanalytical Association, Attachment theory, Body image, Inferiority complex, Psyche (psychology), Death drive, Individuation, Cathexis, History of attachment theory, Attachment in children, Masculine psychology, Maternal deprivation flashcards


  • Insight
    Insight is the understanding of a specific cause and effect in a specific context.
  • Foot fetishism
    Foot fetishism, foot partialism, foot worship, or podophilia is a pronounced sexual interest in feet.
  • Libido
    Libido (/lᵻˈbiːdoʊ/), colloquially known as sex drive, is a person's overall sexual drive or desire for sexual activity.
  • Nightmare
    A nightmare, also called a bad dream, is an unpleasant dream that can cause a strong emotional response from the mind, typically fear but also despair, anxiety and great sadness.
  • Unconscious mind
    The unconscious mind (or the unconscious) consists of the processes in the mind which occur automatically and are not available to introspection, and include thought processes, memories, interests, and motivations.
  • Neurosis
    Neurosis is a class of functional mental disorders involving distress but neither delusions nor hallucinations.
  • Tavistock Institute
    This article is about the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations.
  • International Psychoanalytical Association
    The International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA) is an association including 12,000 psychoanalysts as members and works with 70 constituent organizations.
  • Attachment theory
    Attachment theory is a psychological model that attempts to describe the dynamics of long-term and short-term interpersonal relationships between humans.
  • Body image
    Body image is a person's perception of the aesthetics or sexual attractiveness of their own body.
  • Inferiority complex
    An inferiority complex is a lack of self-worth, a doubt and uncertainty, and feelings of not measuring up to standards.
  • Psyche (psychology)
    In psychology, the psyche /ˈsaɪki/ is the totality of the human mind, conscious and unconscious.
  • Death drive
    In classical Freudian psychoanalytic theory, the death drive (German: Todestrieb) is the drive towards death and self-destruction.
  • Individuation
    The principle of individuation, or principium individuationis, describes the manner in which a thing is identified as distinguished from other things.
  • Cathexis
    In psychoanalysis, cathexis is defined as the process of investment of mental or emotional energy in a person, object, or idea.
  • History of attachment theory
    Attachment theory, originating in the work of John Bowlby, is a psychological, evolutionary and ethological theory that provides a descriptive and explanatory framework for understanding interpersonal relationships between human beings.
  • Attachment in children
    Attachment in children is "a biological instinct in which proximity to an attachment figure is sought when the child senses or perceives threat or discomfort.
  • Masculine psychology
    Masculine psychology may refer to the gender-related psychology of male human identity.
  • Maternal deprivation
    The term maternal deprivation is a catch-phrase summarising the early work of psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, John Bowlby on the effects of separating infants and young children from their mother (or mother substitute) although the effect of loss of the mother on the developing child had been considered earlier by Freud and other theorists.