2021-06-23T12:45:26+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true primary protein structure, secondary protein structure, tertiary bonds, quaternary structure if protein, R group interactions include:, proteins are classified as 2 groups, Fibrous proteins, globular protein flashcards


include some definition and function of PROTEINS. We all know the basic unit of protein is an amino acid, but proteins have numerous functions in our body and keep us alive now.

  • primary protein structure
    amino acid sequence; include only covalent peptide bond
  • secondary protein structure
    the hydrogen bond between the amino acids backbone include alpha-helices and beta-pleated sheet
  • tertiary bonds
    weak R group interactions of amino acid side chains
  • quaternary structure if protein
    weak R group interaction between more than one polypeptide chain
  • R group interactions include:
    ionic interactions, hydrophobic interactions, Hydrogen bonds, disulphide bonds, van der val interaction
  • proteins are classified as 2 groups
    1. Fibrous protein(support protein shape) 2. Globular proteins(support function)
  • Fibrous proteins
    water INSOLUBLE, low turnover, form connective tissues, help us to walk, run and move
  • globular protein
    water soluble, high turnover. e.g. haemoglobin, insulin and amylase, etc...