2023-11-03T01:25:02+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>Te ke hiva 'i he fale</p>, <p>Te ke hiva 'i mu'a he President</p>, <p>Te ke hiva 'i mui he falekoloa</p>, <p>Te ke hiva 'i he lalo matapa sio 'ata</p>, <p>Na'a nau ha'u ki he pangike</p>, <p>Na'a nau ha'u ki he tepile</p>, <p>Na'a nau ha'u 'i he tafa'aki e fale malolo</p>, <p>'Oku ke lautohi 'i he fale</p>, <p>'Oku ke lautohi 'i heni mo Sione</p>, <p>'Oku ke lautohi 'i loto he falekoloa mo e temipale</p>, <p>'Oku ke lautohi 'i hena he mohenga</p>, <p>Na'e faitohi ho'o hoa 'i tu'a loki</p>, <p>Na'e faitohi ho'o hoa 'i mu'a he faiako</p>, <p>Na'e faitohi ho'o hoa 'i he tafa'aki e Mele</p>, <p>Na'e faitohi ho'o hoa outside the board</p>, <p>Na'a ke tuku e pa'anga on the bed</p>, <p>Na'a ke tuku e pa'anga 'i he lalo mohenga</p>, <p>Na'a ke tuku e pa'anga 'i tu'a fale</p>, <p>Na'a ke tuku e pa'anga 'i loto he ngaahi mohenga</p>, <p>Na'a ke tuku e pa'anga 'i he tafa'aki e mohenga</p>, <p>Te nau ta'utu 'i he tafa'aki Sione</p>, <p>Te nau ta'utu</p>, <p>Te nau ta'utu</p>, <p>Te nau ta'utu</p>, <p>Te nau ta'utu</p> flashcards


  • Te ke hiva 'i he fale

    Will you sing in the house

  • Te ke hiva 'i mu'a he President

    Will you sing in front of the Palesiteni

  • Te ke hiva 'i mui he falekoloa

    Will you sing behind the store

  • Te ke hiva 'i he lalo matapa sio 'ata

    Will you sing under the window

  • Na'a nau ha'u ki he pangike

    Did they come to the bank

  • Na'a nau ha'u ki he tepile

    Did they come to the table

  • Na'a nau ha'u 'i he tafa'aki e fale malolo

    Did they come beside the washroom

  • 'Oku ke lautohi 'i he fale

    Are you reading in the house

  • 'Oku ke lautohi 'i heni mo Sione

    Are you reading here with Sione

  • 'Oku ke lautohi 'i loto he falekoloa mo e temipale

    Are you reading between the store and the temple

  • 'Oku ke lautohi 'i hena he mohenga

    Are you reading there on the bed

  • Na'e faitohi ho'o hoa 'i tu'a loki

    Did your companion write outside the room

  • Na'e faitohi ho'o hoa 'i mu'a he faiako

    Did your companion write in front of the teacher

  • Na'e faitohi ho'o hoa 'i he tafa'aki e Mele

    Did your companion write beside Mary

  • Na'e faitohi ho'o hoa outside the board

    Did your companion write 'i tu'a komiti

  • Na'a ke tuku e pa'anga on the bed

    Did you put the money 'i he mohenga

  • Na'a ke tuku e pa'anga 'i he lalo mohenga

    Did you put the money under the bed

  • Na'a ke tuku e pa'anga 'i tu'a fale

    Did you put the money outside the house

  • Na'a ke tuku e pa'anga 'i loto he ngaahi mohenga

    Did you put the money in between the beds

  • Na'a ke tuku e pa'anga 'i he tafa'aki e mohenga

    Did you put the money beside the bed

  • Te nau ta'utu 'i he tafa'aki Sione

    Will they sit beside Sione

  • Te nau ta'utu

    Will they sit

  • Te nau ta'utu

    Will they sit

  • Te nau ta'utu

    Will they sit

  • Te nau ta'utu

    Will they sit