2023-07-10T23:55:08+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>Olfactory</p>, <p>Optic</p>, <p>Ocularmotor</p>, <p>Trochlear</p>, <p>Abducens</p>, <p>Trigeminal</p>, <p>Facial</p>, <p>Vestibularcochlear (Auditory)</p>, <p>Glossopharyngeal</p>, <p>Vagus</p>, <p>Accessory</p>, <p>Hypoglossal</p> flashcards
PRAXIS Cranial Nerves

PRAXIS Cranial Nerves

  • Olfactory

    - Cranial Nerve I

    - Sensory

    - Smell

  • Optic

    - Cranial Nerve II

    - Sensory

    - Vision

  • Ocularmotor

    - Cranial Nerve III

    - Motor

    - Eye movement

    - eyelid elevation, pupillary constriction, lens accommodation

  • Trochlear

    - Cranial Nerve IV (4)

    - Motor

    - Eye movement

  • Abducens

    - CN VI (6)

    - Motor

    - Eye movement (abduction)

  • Trigeminal

    - CN V (5)

    - Sensory & motor

    - Facial sensation, ant 2/3 of tongue, mastication

  • Facial

    - CN VII (7)

    - Sensory & motor

    - Taste on 2/3 of tongue, sensation, facial expression, eye closing, salivation,

  • Vestibularcochlear (Auditory)

    - CN VIII (8)

    - Sensory

    - Balance & hearing

  • Glossopharyngeal

    - CN IX (9)

    - Sensory & motor

    - Taste/sensation (post 1/3), pharynx sensation, chemo/baro receptors,

    - swallowing, salvation

  • Vagus

    - CN X (10)

    - Sensory & motor

    - ear skin, pharynx, larynx, thorax, abdomen, epiglottis

    - swallow, speech, cough

  • Accessory

    - CN XI (11)

    - shoulder shrug, head turning

  • Hypoglossal

    - CN XII (12)

    - tongue movement