2022-04-12T18:02:10+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>Helicopsychidae</p>, <p>Lepidostomatidae </p>, <p>Leptoceridae</p>, <p>Limnephilidae</p>, <p>Types of trichoptera cases</p>, <p>Molannidae</p>, <p>Odontoceridae</p>, <p>Phryganeidae</p>, <p>Rossianidae</p>, <p>Sericostomatidae</p> flashcards
Practice exam

Practice exam

  • Helicopsychidae

    Anal claw

    lakes, often in rather deep water.

    tolerate very warm water, 34 degrees celsius

  • Lepidostomatidae


    Antenna close to the eye.

    Larvae detritivores and are found among detritus

    most species inhabit cold streams or springs

    univoltine, with spatial or temporal separation of different species.

  • Leptoceridae

    long antennae and elongate metathoracic legs.

    stouter cases that are often cornucopia-shaped.

    vegetation and sand, or pure silk, and many species are adapted for swimming.

    stouter cases that are often cornucopia-shaped.

    few feed exclusively on freshwater sponges.

  • Limnephilidae

    Case construction in this large and diverse family varies widely

    All have a prosternal horn and antennae that are located about

    larvae can be found on vegetation, rocks, or detritus, or in gravel, sand, or soft sediments. halfway between each eye and mandible

    uni and semivoltine

  • Types of trichoptera cases

    Pseudostenophy: mineral case

    Limnephiius : gather shells from snails weak case

  • Molannidae

    sand cases with lateral flanges and a hood over the anterior opening.

    long metathoracic legs with either very short or threadlike claws.

    Here they feed on algae, vascular plants, or even invertebrates.

    Most species are probably univoltine.

  • Odontoceridae

    The cases are hard and difficult to crush

    larvae lack a prosternal horn and have their eyes located close to the mandibles.

    protrochantin is small and not hook-shaped

    Larvae are shredders of leaves or detritivores

    predatory on other invertebrates

    in the north and univoltine in the south.

  • Phryganeidae

    They make Long cases

    They abandon their cases

    of prominent prosternal horn and lack significant sclerotization

    eat their way into large pieces of well-conditioned wood.

    vegetation is also consumed.

    Life cycles are probably one year.

  • Rossianidae

    live in spring seeps or in small, cold, mountain streams

    distinctive among Integripalpia because their head, pronotum, and mesepisternum are modified

    Their head, pronotum, and mesepisternum are modified by prominent surface sculpturing

  • Sericostomatidae

    cases are not strong due to sand-like cases

    pointed anterolateral angles of their pronotum, a hook-shaped protrochantin

    live in sandy substrates of streams, springs, and even lake margins
