2023-04-02T00:00:23+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>low cost, individualized dosing, high stability </p>, <p>very fine; very coarse </p>, <p>weight/volume </p>, <p>in order of smaller to larger quantity; if quantity is equal , chose one with higher bulk density first</p>, <p>Bulk powders</p>, <p>douche powders</p>, <p>Dusting powders</p>, <p>powder bases</p>, <p>smaller mesh number</p>, <p>dry granulation</p>, <p>wet granulation</p>, <p>1000 mg</p>, <p>600 mg</p>, <p>500 mg</p>, <p>300 mg</p>, <p>250</p>, <p>200 mg</p>, <p>125mg</p>, <p>60mg</p> flashcards


  • low cost, individualized dosing, high stability

    What are some advantages with powders?

  • very fine; very coarse

    90-125 microns would be considered _________ while 1200 microns would be considered _________.

  • weight/volume

    Bulk density =

  • in order of smaller to larger quantity; if quantity is equal , chose one with higher bulk density first

    What are the 2 rules for blending?

  • Bulk powders

    - a single container from which multiple doses could be drawn

  • douche powders

    -are used to prepare solutions that cleanse the vagina; mostly hygienic, but there are few that contain antibiotics.

  • Dusting powders

    -Fine medicated (bulk) powders intended to be dusted on the skin by means of sifter-top containers.

  • powder bases

    -absorb secretions

  • smaller mesh number

    Big particle size =

  • dry granulation

    -make a big tablet and break it down

  • wet granulation

    -make a slurry/paste, pass through sieve, then dry

  • 1000 mg

    000 =

  • 600 mg

    00 =

  • 500 mg

    0 =

  • 300 mg

    1 =

  • 250

    2 =

  • 200 mg


  • 125mg


  • 60mg
