a group of organisms of the same species living in a definable area
a group of organisms which are related and able to freely interbreed
all the populations in an area
major interacting system consisting of all organisms and their non living environment
when organisms from outside the ecosystem join the population
when organisms leave the ecosystem
number of deaths per year
number of live births per year
large number of offspring low survivability
few offspring large chance of surviving
Geometric growth
rapid increase over time (exponential)
Logistic growth
rate of growth changes depending on environmental resistance
Carrying Capacity
the maximum number of a particular species which can be supported by the environment
Stable population
a population where numbers decrease when exceeding carrying capacity & increase when number fall below.
Unstable population
a population that can far exceed carrying capacity leading to environmental deterioration
Environmental resistance
lowers natality and increases mortality to keep population at carrying capacity
Density independent factors
would effect a population no matter the size
Density dependent factors
effect the population the more it grows
a head count of animals in a population
Direct techniques
technique using counting
Indirect techniques
technique using estimation
Quadrat sampling
count the amount in a smaller area and using it to estimate the larger area
Mark recapture method
catching painting and releasing then recapturing and counting
trap energy from sunlight in organic compounds
eat plans and trap energy
Food chain
variety of linked organism
Food web
interlinked food chains
process where animals kill and feed off of another species
a process whereby a population aggressively protects their environment
Ecological niche
the functional role of an organism in it's particular environment in order for it to adapt to it's environment
the habitat and all it's resources
between individuals of different species
between individuals of same species
Complete exclusion
2 different species which depend on the same resources cannot occupy the same ecological niche
Resource partitioning
the usage of recourses differently so that two species can co-exist
Social organization
close nit communities to improve survival chances
Ecological succession
structural changes in the sequence of organisms
Primary succession
occurs in a new area
Secondary succession
occurs in an area which has been colonized previously
Human population growth
factors which increase birth rate and decrease mortality
scientific study of size
Demographic transition
occurs when birth & death rates decrease
Ecological footprint
the amount of natural recourses available in the country to the impact the people have on the natural environment
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