2020-09-11T03:03:59+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>PokéStop</p>, <p>level</p>, <p>to catch a Pokémon</p>, <p>Great Ball</p>, <p>Curveball</p>, Stardust, Candies, team, team leader, Team Valor, Team Mystic, Team Instinct, Normal-type, Fighting-type, Flying-type, Poison-type, Ground-type, Rock-type, Bug-type, Ghost-type, Steel-type, Fire-type, Water-type, Grass-type, Electric-type, Psychic-type, Ice-type, Dragon-type, Dark-type, Fairy-type, Gym, Gym battle, Fast Attack, Charged Attack, to defend a Gym, PokéCoin, Raid Battle/Raid, EX Raid, Raid Boss, Potion, Super Potion, Hyper Potion, Max Potion, Revive, Max Revive, Lucky Egg, Incense, Fast TM, Charged TM, Rare Candy, Raid Pass, Premium Raid Pass, EX Raid Pass, Lure Module, Incubator, egg, to hatch an egg, Research tasks, Field Research Task, Special Research, Team Medallion , event, Medal, Adventure Sync, to take a Snapshot of a Pokémon, Pinap Berry, Silver Pinap Berry, Razz Berry, Golden Razz Berry, Nanab Berry, Trainer Battles, GO Battle League, Great League, Ultra League, Master League, GO Snapshot, Pokémon GO Community Day, Pokémon with Weather Boost, Protect Shield, Berries, Shiny Pokémon, Gym badge, Buddy Pokémon, <p>Gift</p>, Stickers, To spin PokéStops’ photo discs, Nice throw, Great throw, Excellent throw, Research Breakthrough, Team GO Rocket Grunt, To defeat a Team GO Rocket Grunt, Team GO Rocket Balloons, Shadow Pokémon, plural, Purified Pokémon, plural, Premier Ball, To use berries to help catch Pokémon, To power up a Pokémon, Super-effective, To use a super-effective charged attack flashcards

Pokémon GO Spanish Vocabulary (to be updated)

Learn the Spanish words for PokéStop, team names, item names, Pokémon types, battle terms, etc. (Pokemon GO deck) (v5) (Adapted from TinyCards) (You can see the TinyCards version in all its former glory here: https://web.archive.org/web/20200829100713if_/https://tinycards.duolingo.com/decks/MYct5jHC/pokemon-go-spanish-vocabulary-to-be-updated ) kartka.ai link: https://app.kartka.ai/shared/decks/XwKenHHZtaN312mRQaw3mY5C (v13) Last updated 11/6/2021 but hopefully there will be even more updates)

  • PokéStop



  • level


  • to catch a Pokémon

    capturar un Pokémon

  • Great Ball

    Great Ball

    Super Ball

  • Curveball


    Bola Curva

  • Stardust
  • Candies
  • team
  • team leader
    líder de equipo
  • Team Valor
    Team Valor
    Equipo Valor
  • Team Mystic
    Team Mystic
    Equipo Sabiduría
  • Team Instinct
    Team Instinct
    Equipo Instinto
  • Normal-type
    El tipo Normal
  • Fighting-type
    El tipo Lucha
  • Flying-type
    El tipo Volador
  • Poison-type
    El tipo Veneno
  • Ground-type
    El tipo Tierra
  • Rock-type
    El tipo Roca
  • Bug-type
    El tipo Bicho
  • Ghost-type
    El tipo Fantasma
  • Steel-type
    El tipo Acero
  • Fire-type
    El tipo Fuego
  • Water-type
    El tipo Agua
  • Grass-type
    El tipo Planta
  • Electric-type
    El tipo Eléctrico
  • Psychic-type
    El tipo Psíquico
  • Ice-type
    El tipo Hielo
  • Dragon-type
    El tipo Dragón
  • Dark-type
    El tipo Siniestro
  • Fairy-type
    El tipo Hada
  • Gym
  • Gym battle
    combate en gimnasio
  • Fast Attack
    ataque rápido
  • Charged Attack
    ataque cargado
  • to defend a Gym
    defender un gimnasio
  • PokéCoin
  • Raid Battle/Raid
    Combate de incursión/incursión
  • EX Raid
    incursión EX
  • Raid Boss
    Jefe de Incursión
  • Potion
  • Super Potion
    Super Potion
  • Hyper Potion
    Hyper Potion
  • Max Potion
    Max Potion
    Poción Máxima
  • Revive
  • Max Revive
    Max Revive
    Revivir Máximo
  • Lucky Egg
    Lucky Egg
    Huevo Suerte
  • Incense
  • Fast TM
    Fast TM
    MT de ataque rápido
  • Charged TM
    Charged TM
    MT de ataque cargado
  • Rare Candy
    Rare Candy
    Caramelo Raro
  • Raid Pass
    Raid Pass
    pase de incursión
  • Premium Raid Pass
    Premium Raid Pass
    pase de incursión premium
  • EX Raid Pass
    EX Raid Pass
    pase de incursión EX
  • Lure Module
    Lure Module
    Módulo Cebo
  • Incubator
  • egg
    El huevo
  • to hatch an egg
    to hatch an egg
    Eclosionar un huevo
  • Research tasks
    Las tareas de investigación
  • Field Research Task
    La tarea de investigación de campo
  • Special Research
    Investigación especial
  • Team Medallion
    Team Medallion
    Medallón de Equipos
  • event
    El evento
  • Medal
    La insignia
  • Adventure Sync
  • to take a Snapshot of a Pokémon
    to take a Snapshot of a Pokémon
    Tomar una instantanea a un Pokémon
  • Pinap Berry
    Pinap Berry
    Baya Pinia
  • Silver Pinap Berry
    Silver Pinap Berry
    Baya Pinia plateada
  • Razz Berry
    Razz Berry
    Baya Frambu
  • Golden Razz Berry
    Golden Razz Berry
    Baya Frambu Dorada
  • Nanab Berry
    Nanab Berry
    Baya Latano
  • Trainer Battles
    los Combates de Entrenador
  • GO Battle League
    GO Battle League
    la Liga Combates GO
  • Great League
    Great League
    La Liga Super Ball
  • Ultra League
    Ultra League
    La Liga Ultra Ball
  • Master League
    Master League
    La Liga Master Ball
  • GO Snapshot
    GO Snapshot
    La Instantánea de GO
  • Pokémon GO Community Day
    Pokémon GO Community Day
    Día de la comunidad de Pokémon GO
  • Pokémon with Weather Boost
    Pokémon potenciados por el tiempo atmosférico
  • Protect Shield
    Protect Shield
    el escudo protector
  • Berries
    Las Bayas
  • Shiny Pokémon
    Shiny Pokémon
    Pokémon variocolor
  • Gym badge
    Gym badge
    La medalla de gimnasio
  • Buddy Pokémon
    Buddy Pokémon
    Compañero Pokémon
  • Gift


    El regalo

  • Stickers
    Las pegatinas
  • To spin PokéStops’ photo discs
    girar fotodiscos de Poképaradas
  • Nice throw
    el buen lanzamiento
  • Great throw
    el gran lanzamiento
  • Excellent throw
    el lanzamiento excelente
  • Research Breakthrough
    Research Breakthrough
    El logro de investigación
  • Team GO Rocket Grunt
    El recluta del Team GO Rocket/ la recluta del Team GO Rocket
  • To defeat a Team GO Rocket Grunt
    Derrotar a un recluta del Team GO Rocket
  • Team GO Rocket Balloons
    Team GO Rocket Balloons
    Los globos del Team GO Rocket
  • Shadow Pokémon, plural
    Shadow Pokémon, plural
    el Pokémon oscuro, los Pokémon oscuros
  • Purified Pokémon, plural
    el Pokémon Purificado, los Pokémon Purificados
  • Premier Ball
    Premier Ball
    Honor Ball
  • To use berries to help catch Pokémon
    Usar bayas para ayudarse a capturar Pokémon
  • To power up a Pokémon
    Darse más poder a un Pokémon
  • Super-effective
  • To use a super-effective charged attack
    Usar un ataque cargado supereficaz