Are mountains formed in part by igneous activity associated with subduction of oceanic lithosphere beneath a continent.
Convergent Plate Boundary
A boundary in which two plates move toward each other, causing one of the slabs of the lithosphere to subduct beneath an overriding plates.
Divergent Plate Boundary
a region where the crustal plates moving apart.
vibration of earth due to the rapid release of energy
a break in a rock along which movement has occurred
a depression in the seafloor produced by subduction process
Hot Spot
a concentration of heat in the mantle capable of creating a magma
Plate Tectonics
is the theory which suggests that Earths crust is made up of plates that interact in various ways, thus producing earthquakes, mountains, volcanoes and other geologic features.
rigid sections of the lithosphere that move as a unit
Transform Fault Boundary
a boundary produced when two plates slide past each other.
Mid Ocean ridge
a continuous mass of land with log width and height on the ocean floor
Continental Crust
the thick part of the earth's crust not located under the ocean
Oceanic Crust
the thin part of the earth's crust located under the ocean
any break in the rock in which no significant movement has taken place
a mass of molten rock formed at depth, including dissolved gases and crystals
Are mountains formed in part by igneous activity associated with subduction of oceanic lithosphere beneath a continent.
Convergent Plate Boundary
A boundary in which two plates move toward each other, causing one of the slabs of the lithosphere to subduct beneath an overriding plates.
Divergent Plate Boundary
a region where the crustal plates moving apart.
vibration of earth due to the rapid release of energy
a break in a rock along which movement has occurred
a depression in the seafloor produced by subduction process
Hot Spot
a concentration of heat in the mantle capable of creating a magma
Plate Tectonics
is the theory which suggests that Earths crust is made up of plates that interact in various ways, thus producing earthquakes, mountains, volcanoes and other geologic features.
rigid sections of the lithosphere that move as a unit
Transform Fault Boundary
a boundary produced when two plates slide past each other.
Mid Ocean ridge
a continuous mass of land with log width and height on the ocean floor
Continental Crust
the thick part of the earth's crust not located under the ocean
Oceanic Crust
the thin part of the earth's crust located under the ocean
any break in the rock in which no significant movement has taken place
a mass of molten rock formed at depth, including dissolved gases and crystals
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