2024-03-02T19:46:20+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>Kinetic Energy</p>, <p>Elastic potential energy</p>, <p>Gravitational potential energy</p>, <p>Specific Heat Capacity</p>, <p>Thermal energy</p>, <p>Law of conservation of energy</p>, <p>How to cool buildings ( 2 )</p>, <p>Specific heat capacity practical</p>, <p>3 main fossil fuels</p>, <p>2 advantages VS 2 disadvantages fossil fuels</p>, <p>2 advantages VS 2 disadvantages nuclear energy</p>, <p>Renewable energy definition</p>, <p>3 renewable energy</p>, <p>2 advantages of renewable energy</p>, <p>Wind and solar power disadvantage</p>, <p>Hydroelectric power disadvantage</p>, <p>alpha particle proton neutron electron</p>, <p>beta particle proton neutron electron</p>, <p>gamma particle equation?</p> flashcards

Physics Paper 1 - Energy


  • Kinetic Energy

    Energy stored in moving objects

  • Elastic potential energy

    Energy stored as a result of applying a force to deform an elastic object

  • Gravitational potential energy

    Energy stored due to it being above earth surface

  • Specific Heat Capacity

    Amount of energy required to raise the temp of 1kg of a substance by 1degreecelcsisus

  • Thermal energy

    Energy stored due to objects temperature

  • Law of conservation of energy

    Energy cannot be created or destroyed - can be transferred stored or dissipated

  • How to cool buildings ( 2 )

    Materials with a low thermal conductivity

    Build a house with thick walls

  • Specific heat capacity practical

    Place a beaker on a balance. Add oil to the beaker and find the mass. Place thermometer and immersion heater in oil. Read starting temperature. Wrap beaker in foam. Add a joule meter and a power pack. Leave for 30 mins. Read total number of joules and final temperature

  • 3 main fossil fuels

    Coal oil gas

  • 2 advantages VS 2 disadvantages fossil fuels


    Release great deal of energy


    Finite resource

    Releases huge amount of C02

  • 2 advantages VS 2 disadvantages nuclear energy

    Does not release C02

    Extremely reliable


    Finite resource

    highly dangerous radioactive materials

  • Renewable energy definition

    Energy that can be replenished as its being used

  • 3 renewable energy

    wind, solar, hydroelectric

  • 2 advantages of renewable energy

    Will not run out

    Do not release C02

  • Wind and solar power disadvantage

    Not reliable

  • Hydroelectric power disadvantage

    Habitats destroyed

  • alpha particle proton neutron electron

    2 proton 2 neutron 0 electron

  • beta particle proton neutron electron

    1 neutron -1 proton 0 electron

  • gamma particle equation?

    stays the same