2024-03-15T09:00:20+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>Name this</p>, <p>Electrical current</p>, <p>Unit for current</p>, <p>What's missing?</p>, <p>Current is the _____ all around the circuit</p>, <p>The current in the branches adds up to ???</p>, <p>What's missing</p>, <p>What measures potential difference </p>, <p>What's this</p>, <p>Ohmic conductor</p>, <p>Diode function</p>, <p>what's this</p>, <p>Light dependent resistor resistance in different conditions </p>, <p>what this</p>, <p>Thermistor : resistances link to temperature </p>, <p>RESISTANCE PRACTICAL</p>, <p>RESISTANCE CURRENT</p>, <p>Alternative current</p>, <p>Direct current</p>, <p>Alternating current frequency and potential difference in uK</p>, <p>Transformers</p>, <p>Step up transformers </p>, <p>high voltage cables use</p>, <p>Step down transformers </p> flashcards

Physics Paper 1 - Electricity


  • Name this

    Name this


  • Electrical current

    Flow of electrical charge around the circuit

  • Unit for current

    Amp (A)

  • What's missing?

    What's missing?


  • Current is the _____ all around the circuit


  • The current in the branches adds up to ???

    The current in the branches adds up to the total current leaving the cell

  • What's missing

    What's missing

    Cell and Battery

  • What measures potential difference


  • What's this

    What's this


  • Ohmic conductor

    Resistance is constant

  • Diode function

    allows current to flow in one direction but not in the reverse direction

  • what's this

    what's this


  • Light dependent resistor resistance in different conditions

    High resistance in dark conditions

    Low resistance in light conditions

  • what this

    what this


  • Thermistor : resistances link to temperature

    Resistance decreases if temperature increases


    Connect the circuit with voltmeter ammeter and battery

    Connect the crocodile clips to the resistance wire, 100 centimetres (cm) apart.

    Record the reading on the ammeter and on the voltmeter.

    Move one of the crocodile clips closer until they are 90 cm apart.

    Record the new readings on the ammeter and the voltmeter.

    Repeat the previous steps reducing the length of the wire by 10 cm each time down to a minimum length of 10 cm.

    Use the results to calculate the resistance of each length of wire by using R = V/I


    Connect the circuit voltmeter ammeter and variable resistor

    Ensure that the power supply is set to zero at the start.

    Record the reading on the voltmeter and ammeter.

    Use the variable resistor to alter the potential difference.

    Record the new readings on the voltmeter and ammeter.

    Repeat steps three to four, each time increasing the potential difference slightly.

    Reverse the power supply connections and repeat steps two to six.

    Plot a graph of current against potential difference for each component.

    Repeat the experiment but replace the fixed resistor with a bulb.

  • Alternative current

    Constantly changing direction

    BENEFIT: very easy to use transformers

  • Direct current

    Moving one direction

  • Alternating current frequency and potential difference in uK


    230 volts

  • Transformers

    An electrical device that increases, or decreases, the potential difference of an alternating current

  • Step up transformers

    increase potential difference massively

  • high voltage cables use

    less energy is lost due to the high potential difference difference

  • Step down transformers

    decrease potential difference massively before it passes to homes