2024-11-12T10:38:26+03:00[Europe/Moscow]entrueThe effect of hormones released into blood circulation and carried to a distant effector organ is called, The posterior pituitary or neurohypophysis releases, The C cells of the thyroid secrete, Which of the following hormones regulates the homeostasis of potassium and sodium?, Epinephrine is secreted by, Acromegaly is typically produced by, Exophthalmos is a feature of, Thyroid enlargement is most often caused by, Addison’s disease manifestations include:, Neuroendocrine tumors are sometimes called:flashcards
The effect of hormones released into blood circulation and carried to a distant effector organ is called
The posterior pituitary or neurohypophysis releases
antidiuretic hormone
The C cells of the thyroid secrete
Which of the following hormones regulates the homeostasis of potassium and sodium?
Epinephrine is secreted by
adrenal medullary cells
Acromegaly is typically produced by
tumors of the pituitary
Exophthalmos is a feature of
Graves’ disease
Thyroid enlargement is most often caused by
idiopathic goiter
Addison’s disease manifestations include:
all of the above
Neuroendocrine tumors are sometimes called:
Somatostatin receptor tumors
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