2019-03-25T10:12:07+03:00[Europe/Moscow]entruebladder, ovary, ureter, vas deferens, prostate, urethra, penis, glans, anus, testicle, scrotum, labia, vagina, uterus, cervix, embryo, fertilization, fetus, genes, gestation, intercourse, menstrual cycle, placenta, sperm, umbilical cord, pulse, sample, pap smear, pelvic exam, pregnancy test, Rh factor test, ultrasound, urine test, circumcision, to urinate, to defecate, to grow, to be born, to pull, to push, to bend, to open, to close, to grab, to rest, bald, blond, brunette, dark-skinned, redhead, twin, grams, liters, ounces, pounds, inches, meters, to breast-feed, abnormality, birth defect, blind, cleft lip, cross-eyed, deaf, fetal alcohol syndrome, jaundice, induced abortion, miscarriage, malnutrition, SIDS, stillborn, premture, infant, bottle nipple or pacifier, colic, diaper, formula, incubator, milk, nap, nursing bottle, wipes, vaccine, vaccination, to burp, to cough, to cry, to feed, to sneeze, to swallow, to vomit, to stand, to bite, to chew, to crawl, to nurse, to suck, bunions, calluses, canker soresflashcards
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