2017-07-27T23:24:56+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true Fibromyalgia, Tendinitis, Trigeminal neuralgia, Low back pain, Toothache, Abdominal pain, Arthralgia, Glossitis, Coccydynia, Neuralgia, Schadenfreude, Threshold of pain, Hyperalgesia, Dyspareunia, Vulvodynia, Neuropathic pain, Complex regional pain syndrome, Allodynia, Tabes dorsalis, Notalgia paresthetica, Pain in animals, Myofascial pain syndrome, Paroxysmal extreme pain disorder, Pain in crustaceans, Congenital insensitivity to pain, Atypical facial pain, Referred pain, Growing pains, Sesamoiditis, Pain tolerance, Breast pain, Postherpetic neuralgia, Cancer pain, Metatarsalgia, Atypical trigeminal neuralgia, A delta fiber, Middle back pain, Barodontalgia, Back pain, Phantom pain, Biological timeline of radiation poisoning, Hereditary neuralgic amyotrophy, Precordial catch syndrome flashcards


  • Fibromyalgia
    Fibromyalgia (FM) is a medical condition characterised by chronic widespread pain and a heightened pain response to pressure.
  • Tendinitis
    Tendinitis (also tendonitis), meaning inflammation of a tendon, is a type of tendinopathy often confused with the more common tendinosis, which has similar symptoms but requires different treatment.
  • Trigeminal neuralgia
    Trigeminal neuralgia (TN or TGN) is a chronic pain disorder that affects the trigeminal nerve.
  • Low back pain
    Low back pain (LBP) is a common disorder involving the muscles, nerves, and bones of the back.
  • Toothache
    Toothache, also known as dental pain, is pain in the teeth and/or their supporting structures, caused by dental diseases or pain referred to the teeth by non-dental diseases.
  • Abdominal pain
    Abdominal pain, also known as stomach pain, is a common symptom associated with both temporary, non-serious disorders and more serious conditions.
  • Arthralgia
    Arthralgia (from Greek arthro-, joint + -algos, pain) literally means joint pain; it is a symptom of injury, infection, illnesses (in particular arthritis) or an allergic reaction to medication.
  • Glossitis
    Glossitis can mean soreness of the tongue, or more usually inflammation with depapillation of the dorsal surface of the tongue (loss of the lingual papillae), leaving a smooth and erythematous (reddened) surface, (sometimes specifically termed atrophic glossitis).
  • Coccydynia
    Coccydynia is a medical term meaning pain in the coccyx or tailbone area, usually brought on by sitting too abruptly.
  • Neuralgia
    Neuralgia (Greek neuron, "nerve" + algos, "pain") is pain in the distribution of a nerve or nerves, as in intercostal neuralgia, trigeminal neuralgia, and glossopharyngeal neuralgia.
  • Schadenfreude
    Schadenfreude (/ˈʃɑːdənfrɔɪdᵊ/; German: [ˈʃaːdn̩ˌfʁɔʏ̯də] ; lit. 'harm-joy') is pleasure derived from the misfortune of others.
  • Threshold of pain
    The threshold of pain or pain threshold is the point along a curve of increasing perception of a stimulus at which pain begins to be felt.
  • Hyperalgesia
    Hyperalgesia (/ˌhaɪpərælˈdʒiziə/ or /-siə/; 'hyper' from Greek ὑπέρ (huper, “over”), '-algesia' from Greek algos, ἄλγος (pain)) is an increased sensitivity to pain, which may be caused by damage to nociceptors or peripheral nerves.
  • Dyspareunia
    Dyspareunia is painful sexual intercourse due to medical or psychological causes.
  • Vulvodynia
    Vulvodynia is a chronic pain syndrome that affects the vulvar area and occurs without an identifiable cause.
  • Neuropathic pain
    Neuropathic pain is pain caused by damage or disease affecting the somatosensory nervous system.
  • Complex regional pain syndrome
    Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), also known as reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD), is a long term condition that often worsens with time.
  • Allodynia
    Allodynia (Ancient Greek άλλος állos "other" and οδύνη odúnē "pain") refers to central pain sensitization (increased response of neurons) following painful, often repetitive, stimulation.
  • Tabes dorsalis
    Tabes dorsalis, also known as syphilitic myelopathy, is a slow degeneration (specifically, demyelination) of the nerves primarily in the dorsal columns (posterior columns) of the spinal cord (the portion closest to the back of the body).
  • Notalgia paresthetica
    Notalgia paraesthetica or notalgia paresthetica (also known as "Hereditary localized pruritus", "Posterior pigmented pruritic patch", and "Subscapular pruritus") is a chronic sensory neuropathy.
  • Pain in animals
    In humans, pain is a distressing feeling often caused by intense or damaging stimuli.
  • Myofascial pain syndrome
    Myofascial pain syndrome (MPS), also known as chronic myofascial pain (CMP), is a syndrome characterized by chronic pain in multiple myofascial trigger points ("knots") and fascial (connective tissue) constrictions.
  • Paroxysmal extreme pain disorder
    Paroxysmal extreme pain disorder (PEPD), originally named familial rectal pain syndrome, is a rare disorder whose most notable features are pain in the mandibular, ocular and rectal areas as well as flushing.
  • Pain in crustaceans
    The question of whether crustaceans experience pain is a matter of scientific debate.
  • Congenital insensitivity to pain
    Congenital insensitivity to pain (CIP), also known as congenital analgesia, is one or more rare conditions in which a person cannot feel (and has never felt) physical pain.
  • Atypical facial pain
    Atypical Facial Pain (AFP, also termed atypical facial neuralgia, chronic idiopathic facial pain, or psychogenic facial pain), is a type of chronic facial pain which does not fulfill any other diagnosis.
  • Referred pain
    Referred pain, also called reflective pain, is pain perceived at a location other than the site of the painful stimulus.
  • Growing pains
    Growing pains are pain symptoms relatively common in children ages 3–12.
  • Sesamoiditis
    Sesamoiditis is inflammation of the sesamoid bones.
  • Pain tolerance
    Pain tolerance is the maximum level of pain that a person is able to tolerate.
  • Breast pain
    Breast pain (also known as breast tenderness, mastodynia, mammalgia, and mastalgia from the Greek μαστός mastos, "breast" and ἄλγος algos, "pain") is a medical symptom.
  • Postherpetic neuralgia
    Postherpetic neuralgia is a nerve pain due to damage caused by the varicella zoster virus.
  • Cancer pain
    Pain in cancer may come from compressing or infiltrating nearby body parts; from treatments and diagnostic procedures; or from skin, nerve and other changes caused by a hormone imbalance or immune response.
  • Metatarsalgia
    Metatarsalgia, literally metatarsal pain and colloquially known as a stone bruise, is a general term used to refer to any painful foot condition affecting the metatarsal region of the foot.
  • Atypical trigeminal neuralgia
    Atypical trigeminal neuralgia (ATN), or type 2 trigeminal neuralgia, is a form of trigeminal neuralgia, a disorder of the fifth cranial nerve.
  • A delta fiber
    An A delta fiber or Aδ fiber is a type of sensory nerve fiber.
  • Middle back pain
    Upper back pain, also called middle back pain or thoracic back pain, is back pain that is felt in the region of the thoracic vertebrae, which are between the bottom of the neck and top of the lumbar spine.
  • Barodontalgia
    Barodontalgia, commonly known as tooth squeeze and previously known as aerodontalgia, is a pain in tooth caused by a change in atmospheric pressure.
  • Back pain
    Back pain is pain felt in the back.
  • Phantom pain
    Phantom pain sensations are described as perceptions that an individual experiences relating to a limb or an organ that is not physically part of the body.
  • Biological timeline of radiation poisoning
    The Biological timeline of radiation poisoning describes the phenomenon where, following a dose of ionizing radiation, a person may have a period of apparent health, lasting for days or weeks, despite a terminal illness.
  • Hereditary neuralgic amyotrophy
    Hereditary neuralgic amyotrophy (HNA) is a neuralgic disorder that is characterized by nerve damage and muscle atrophy, preceded by severe pain.
  • Precordial catch syndrome
    Precordial catch syndrome (PCS), also known as Texidor's twinge, is a non-malignant condition affecting the left-side of the anterior wall of the chest.