2022-07-15T19:55:46+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>CPI</p>, <p>KPI</p>, <p>KPA</p>, <p>Purpose Map</p>, <p>Purpose Statement</p>, <p>Target Condition</p>, <p>Current Condition</p>, <p>Obstacles</p>, <p>Next Step</p>, <p>Three types of experiments</p>, <p>Go and See experiments</p>, <p>Exploratory experiments</p>, <p>Hypothesis Testing</p>, <p>TWI</p>, <p>JI</p>, <p>JR</p>, <p>JM</p>, <p>JS</p>, <p>Important or Major Step</p>, <p>JI Key Points</p>, <p>Criteria for a JI Key Points - #1</p>, <p>Criteria for a JI Key Points - #2</p>, <p>Criteria for a JI Key Points - #3</p>, <p>3 Criteria for a JI Key Points</p>, <p>PDSA</p> flashcards

Our Way Terminology

Terminology and acronyms that we use in "Our Way"

  • CPI

    Critical Performance Indicator

  • KPI

    Key Performance Indicator

  • KPA

    Key Performance Action

  • Purpose Map

    Our Strategy on one page tool

  • Purpose Statement

    Tells team members what to work toward. Is a basis for goal setting and decision making.

  • Target Condition

    This is your next goal and has a much closer time frame then the bigger overall goal.

  • Current Condition

    Fact based look at where the actual situation is now.

  • Obstacles

    These issues stand in your way of reaching your target condition.

  • Next Step

    Is an experiment to prove or disprove a hypothesis.

  • Three types of experiments

    Go and See, Exploratory, Hypothesis testing.

  • Go and See experiments

    Direct observation and data collection without changing anything.

  • Exploratory experiments

    Introducing a change in a process to see, via direct observation , how the process reacts . Done to better understand the process.

  • Hypothesis Testing

    Introducing a change, ideally only a single factor, together with a prediction of what you expect to happen.

  • TWI

    Training Within Industry

  • JI

    Job Instruction

  • JR

    Job Relations

  • JM

    Job Methods

  • JS

    Job Safety

  • Important or Major Step

    What to do to perform the work, advances the job.

  • JI Key Points

    How to do the step.

  • Criteria for a JI Key Points - #1

    First, information that makes the job safer

  • Criteria for a JI Key Points - #2

    Second, information that ensures quality and product flow

  • Criteria for a JI Key Points - #3

    Third, the information will make the job easier

  • 3 Criteria for a JI Key Points

    Injure the worker, make or break the job, make the work easier

  • PDSA

    Plan - Do - Study - Adopt, Adapt, or Abandon