2017-07-27T18:22:51+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true Snoring, Cholesteatoma, Outer ear, Hearing loss, Otorhinolaryngology, Tinnitus, Otitis externa, Tonsil, Bell's palsy, Otosclerosis, Otitis, Periorbita, Tragus (ear), Rhytidectomy, Cochlea, Inner ear, Middle ear, Otitis media, Organ of Corti, Buccal space, Waldeyer's tonsillar ring, Sublingual space, Facial nerve paralysis, Oral cancer, Oxybuprocaine, Catarrh, Vocal cord dysfunction, Canine space, Deep temporal space, Infratemporal space, Mental space (anatomy), Pterygomandibular space, Submandibular space, Submasseteric space, Submental space, Ear disease, Oropharyngeal cancer, Auricular hypertrichosis, Oral allergy syndrome, Ear hair, Cystic hygroma, Killian's dehiscence, History of tracheal intubation flashcards


  • Snoring
    Snoring is the vibration of respiratory structures and the resulting sound due to obstructed air movement during breathing while sleeping.
  • Cholesteatoma
    Cholesteatoma is a destructive and expanding growth consisting of keratinizing squamous epithelium in the middle ear and/or mastoid process.
  • Outer ear
    The outer ear is the external portion of the ear, which consists of the auricle (also pinna) and the ear canal.
  • Hearing loss
    Hearing loss, also known as hearing impairment, is a partial or total inability to hear.
  • Otorhinolaryngology
    Otorhinolaryngology /oʊtoʊˌraɪnoʊˌlærənˈɡɒlədʒi/ (also called otolaryngology-head and neck surgery) is a surgical subspecialty within medicine that deals with conditions of the ear, nose, and throat (ENT) and related structures of the head and neck.
  • Tinnitus
    Tinnitus is the hearing of sound when no external sound is present.
  • Otitis externa
    Otitis externa, also known as swimmer's ear, is an inflammation of the ear canal.
  • Tonsil
    Tonsils are collections of lymphoid tissue facing into the aerodigestive tract.
  • Bell's palsy
    Bell's palsy is a type of facial paralysis that results in an inability to control the facial muscles on the affected side.
  • Otosclerosis
    Otosclerosis or otospongiosis is an abnormal growth of bone near the middle ear.
  • Otitis
    Otitis is a general term for inflammation or infection of the ear, in both humans and other animals.
  • Periorbita
    The periorbita is the area around the orbit.
  • Tragus (ear)
    The tragus is a small pointed eminence of the external ear, situated in front of the concha, and projecting backward over the meatus.
  • Rhytidectomy
    A facelift, technically known as a rhytidectomy (from Ancient Greek ῥυτίς (rhytis) "wrinkle" + ἐκτομή (ektome) "excision", surgical removal of wrinkles), is a type of cosmetic surgery or facial toning procedure used to give a more youthful facial appearance.
  • Cochlea
    The cochlea /ˈkɒk.
  • Inner ear
    The inner ear (internal ear, auris interna) is the innermost part of the vertebrate ear.
  • Middle ear
    The middle ear is the portion of the ear internal to the eardrum, and external to the oval window of the inner ear.
  • Otitis media
    Otitis media is a group of inflammatory diseases of the middle ear.
  • Organ of Corti
    The organ of Corti, or spiral organ, is the receptor organ for hearing and is located in the mammalian cochlea.
  • Buccal space
    The buccal space (also termed the buccinator space) is a fascial space of the head and neck (sometimes also termed fascial spaces or tissue spaces).
  • Waldeyer's tonsillar ring
    Waldeyer's tonsillar ring (pharyngeal lymphoid ring or Waldeyer's lymphatic ring) is an anatomical term collectively describing the annular arrangement of lymphoid tissue in the pharynx.
  • Sublingual space
    The sublingual space is aa fascial space of the head and neck (sometimes also termed fascial spaces or tissue spaces).
  • Facial nerve paralysis
    Facial nerve paralysis is a common problem that involves the paralysis of any structures innervated by the facial nerve.
  • Oral cancer
    Oral cancer, also known as mouth cancer, is a type of head and neck cancer and is any cancerous tissue growth located in the oral cavity.
  • Oxybuprocaine
    Oxybuprocaine (INN), also known as benoxinate or BNX, is an ester-type local anesthetic, which is used especially in ophthalmology and otolaryngology.
  • Catarrh
    Catarrh /kəˈtɑːr/, or catarrhal inflammation, is inflammation of the mucous membranes in one of the airways or cavities of the body, usually with reference to the throat and paranasal sinuses.
  • Vocal cord dysfunction
    Vocal cord dysfunction (VCD) is a pathology affecting the vocal folds, commonly referred to as the vocal cords.
  • Canine space
    The canine space (also termed the infra-orbital space), is a fascial space of the head and neck (sometimes also termed fascial spaces or tissue spaces).
  • Deep temporal space
    The deep temporal space is a fascial space of the head and neck (sometimes also termed fascial spaces or tissue spaces).
  • Infratemporal space
    The Infratemporal space (also termed the infra-temporal space or the infra-temporal portion of the deep temporal space) is a fascial space of the head and neck (sometimes also termed fascial spaces or tissue spaces).
  • Mental space (anatomy)
    The mental space is a fascial space of the head and neck (also termed fascial spaces or tissue spaces).
  • Pterygomandibular space
    The pterygomandibular space is a fascial space of the head and neck (sometimes also termed fascial spaces or tissue spaces).
  • Submandibular space
    The submandibular space is a fascial space of the head and neck (sometimes also termed fascial spaces or tissue spaces).
  • Submasseteric space
    The submasseterric space (also termed the masseteric space) is a fascial space of the head and neck (sometimes also termed fascial spaces or tissue spaces).
  • Submental space
    The submental space is a fascial space of the head and neck (sometimes also termed fascial spaces or tissue spaces).
  • Ear disease
    Ear disease is a subfield of otolaryngology addressing the pathology of the ear.
  • Oropharyngeal cancer
    Oropharyngeal cancer is a disease in which malignant cells form in the tissue of oropharynx.
  • Auricular hypertrichosis
    Auricular hypertrichosis (hypertrichosis lanuginosa acquisita, hypertrichosis pinnae auris) is a genetic condition expressed as long and strong hairs growing from the helix of the pinna.
  • Oral allergy syndrome
    Oral allergy syndrome (OAS) is a type of food allergy classified by a cluster of allergic reactions in the mouth in response to eating certain (usually fresh) fruits, nuts, and vegetables that typically develops in adults with hay fever.
  • Ear hair
    Ear hair generally refers to the terminal hair arising from folliculary cartilage inside the external auditory meatus in humans.
  • Cystic hygroma
    A cystic hygroma, also known as cystic lymphangioma and macrocystic lymphatic malformation, is an often congenital multiloculated lymphatic lesion that can arise anywhere, but is classically found in the left posterior triangle of the neck and armpits.
  • Killian's dehiscence
    Killian's dehiscence (also known as Killian's triangle, Laimer triangle, Laimer-Killian triangle, or Laimer-Haeckermann area) is a triangular area in the wall of the pharynx between the thyropharyngeal and cricopharyngeus of the inferior constrictor of the pharynx (also see Pharyngeal pouch).
  • History of tracheal intubation
    Tracheal intubation (usually simply referred to as intubation), an invasive medical procedure, is the placement of a flexible plastic catheter into the trachea.