2024-03-11T16:27:42+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>Bony landmarks of the scapula : superior angle</p>, <p>bony landmarks of the scapula: inferior angle</p>, <p>Bony landmarks of the scapula: vertebral border</p>, <p>bony landmarks of the scapula: axillary border</p>, <p>bony landmarks of the scapula: spine</p>, <p>bony landmarks of the scapula: coracoid process </p>, <p>bony landmarks of the scapula: acromion process</p>, <p>bony landmarks of the scapula: glenoid fossa</p>, <p>bony landmarks of the clavicle: sternal end</p>, <p>bony landmarks of the clavicle: acromial end</p>, <p>bony landmarks of the clavicle: body</p>, <p>bony landmarks of the sternum: manubrium </p>, <p>bony landmarks of the sternum: body</p>, <p>bony landmarks of the sternum: xiphoid process</p>, <p>bony landmarks of the humerus(proximal) :head</p>, <p>bony landmarks of the humerus(proximal): anatomical neck</p>, <p>bony landmarks of the humerus(proximal): greater tubercle</p>, <p>bony landmarks of the humerus(proximal): lesser tubercle</p>, <p>bony landmarks of the humerus(proximal): surgical neck</p>, <p>excessive scapular winging can be caused by weakness of this muscle.</p>, <p>bony landmarks of the humerus (distal): spiral groove</p>, <p>bony landmarks of the humerus(distal): trochlea</p>, <p>bony landmarks of the humerus(distal): capitulum</p>, <p>bony landmarks of the humerus(distal): medial epicondyle</p>, <p>bony landmarks of the humerus(distal): lateral epicondyle</p>, <p>bony landmarks of the humerus(distal):lateral supracondylar ridge</p>, <p>bony landmarks of the humerus(distal): olecranon fossa</p>, <p>ligaments of the elbow: medial collateral ligament</p>, <p>ligaments of the elbow: lateral collateral ligament </p>, <p>ligaments of the elbow: annular ligament</p>, <p>brachialis muscle</p>, <p>biceps brachii</p>, <p>brachioradialis </p>, <p>triceps brachii</p>, <p>anconeus</p>, <p>pronator teres muscle</p>, <p>supinator muscle </p>, <p>pronator quadratus muscle</p>, <p>motions of the shoulder girdle:Elevation</p>, <p>motions of the shoulder girdle :Depression</p>, <p>motions of the shoulder girdle: Protraction</p>, <p>motions of the shoulder girdle: Retraction</p>, <p>motions of the shoulder girdle: Upward rotation</p>, <p>motions of the shoulder girdle: Downward rotation</p>, <p>motions of the shoulder girdle: Scapular tilt</p>, <p>motions of the shoulder girdle: Scapular winging</p>, <p>upper trapezius</p>, <p>middle trapezius</p>, <p>lower trapezius</p>, <p>levator scapula</p>, <p>rhomboid </p>, <p>serratus anterior</p>, <p>pectoralis minor</p>, <p>anterior deltoid</p>, <p>medial deltoid</p>, <p>posterior deltoid</p>, <p>coracobrachialis </p> flashcards
OTH1014 quiz 4 study guide

OTH1014 quiz 4 study guide

  • Bony landmarks of the scapula : superior angle

    Bony landmarks of the scapula : superior angle

    superior medial aspect

  • bony landmarks of the scapula: inferior angle

    bony landmarks of the scapula: inferior angle

    .most inferior point

    .where vertebral and axillary borders meet

  • Bony landmarks of the scapula: vertebral border

    Bony landmarks of the scapula: vertebral border

    medial border between superior and inferior angles

  • bony landmarks of the scapula: axillary border

    bony landmarks of the scapula: axillary border

    lateral border between glenoid fossa and inferior angle

  • bony landmarks of the scapula: spine

    bony landmarks of the scapula: spine

    projection on the posterior surface from vertebral border to acromion process

  • bony landmarks of the scapula: coracoid process

    bony landmarks of the scapula: coracoid process

    hook shaped projection on the anterior-superior surface

  • bony landmarks of the scapula: acromion process

    bony landmarks of the scapula: acromion process

    lateral broad, flat end of the spine of the scapula

  • bony landmarks of the scapula: glenoid fossa

    bony landmarks of the scapula: glenoid fossa

    slightly concave surface at superior end of the axillary border

  • bony landmarks of the clavicle: sternal end

    bony landmarks of the clavicle: sternal end

    medial end that articulates with the sternum

  • bony landmarks of the clavicle: acromial end

    bony landmarks of the clavicle: acromial end

    lateral end that articulates with acromion process of the scap

  • bony landmarks of the clavicle: body

    bony landmarks of the clavicle: body

    area between sternum and acromial ends

  • bony landmarks of the sternum: manubrium

    bony landmarks of the sternum: manubrium

    superior portion of the sternum

  • bony landmarks of the sternum: body

    bony landmarks of the sternum: body

    longest portion in the middle of the sternum

  • bony landmarks of the sternum: xiphoid process

    bony landmarks of the sternum: xiphoid process

    inferior portion of the sternum and smallest portion (triangular)

  • bony landmarks of the humerus(proximal) :head

    bony landmarks of the humerus(proximal) :head

    convex proximal end that faces medially and slightly posteriorly

  • bony landmarks of the humerus(proximal): anatomical neck

    bony landmarks of the humerus(proximal): anatomical neck

    circumferential groove between the head and the tubercle

  • bony landmarks of the humerus(proximal): greater tubercle

    bony landmarks of the humerus(proximal): greater tubercle

    larger projection lateral to the head and lesser tubercle

  • bony landmarks of the humerus(proximal): lesser tubercle

    bony landmarks of the humerus(proximal): lesser tubercle

    smaller projection on anterior surface medial to greater tubercle

  • bony landmarks of the humerus(proximal): surgical neck

    bony landmarks of the humerus(proximal): surgical neck

    slightly constricted area just below the tubercles between the tubercles and the shaft

  • excessive scapular winging can be caused by weakness of this muscle.

    serratus anterior

  • bony landmarks of the humerus (distal): spiral groove

    bony landmarks of the humerus (distal): spiral groove


  • bony landmarks of the humerus(distal): trochlea

    bony landmarks of the humerus(distal): trochlea


  • bony landmarks of the humerus(distal): capitulum

    bony landmarks of the humerus(distal): capitulum


  • bony landmarks of the humerus(distal): medial epicondyle

    bony landmarks of the humerus(distal): medial epicondyle


  • bony landmarks of the humerus(distal): lateral epicondyle

    bony landmarks of the humerus(distal): lateral epicondyle


  • bony landmarks of the humerus(distal):lateral supracondylar ridge

    bony landmarks of the humerus(distal):lateral supracondylar ridge


  • bony landmarks of the humerus(distal): olecranon fossa

    bony landmarks of the humerus(distal): olecranon fossa


  • ligaments of the elbow: medial collateral ligament

    ligaments of the elbow: medial collateral ligament


  • ligaments of the elbow: lateral collateral ligament

    ligaments of the elbow: lateral collateral ligament


  • ligaments of the elbow: annular ligament

    ligaments of the elbow: annular ligament


  • brachialis muscle

    brachialis muscle


    Anterior surface of distal half of humerus


    Ulnar tuberosity and coronoid process of ulna


    Elbow flexion


    Musculocutaneous nerve (C5, C6)

  • biceps brachii

    biceps brachii


    Long head: supraglenoid tubercle of scapula

    Short head: coracoid process of scapula


    Radial tuberosity of radius


    Shoulder flexion, elbow flexion, forearm supination


    Musculocutaneous nerve (C5, C6)

  • brachioradialis



    Lateral supracondylar ridge on the humerus


    Distal lateral aspect of the radius proximal to the styloid process of the radius


    Elbow flexion, forearm supination and pronation


    Radial nerve (C5, C6)

  • triceps brachii

    triceps brachii


    Long head: infraglenoid tubercle of scapula

    Lateral head: inferior to greater tubercle on posterior humerus

    Medial head: posterior surface of humerus


    Olecranon process of ulna


    Shoulder extension. Elbow extension.


    Radial nerve (C6, C7, C8)

  • anconeus



    Lateral epicondyle of humerus


    Lateral and inferior to triceps on the olecranon process

    Some fibers on annular ligament


     Elbow extension

    May retract joint capsule from impingement during elbow extension


    Radial nerve (C6, C7, C8)

  • pronator teres muscle

    pronator teres muscle


    Medial epicondyle of humerus and coronoid process of ulna


    Lateral aspect of radius at its midpoint


    Forearm pronation, elbow flexion


    Median nerve (C6, C7)

  • supinator muscle

    supinator muscle


    Lateral epicondyle of humerus and adjacent ulna


    Anterior surface of the proximal radius


    Forearm supination, elbow flexion


    Radial nerve (C6)

  • pronator quadratus muscle

    pronator quadratus muscle


    Anterior distal one-fourth of ulna


    Anterior distal one-fourth of radius


    Forearm pronation

    Stabilizes distal radioulnar joint


    Median nerve (C8, T1)

  • motions of the shoulder girdle:Elevation

    motions of the shoulder girdle:Elevation

    scapula moves superiorly

  • motions of the shoulder girdle :Depression

    motions of the shoulder girdle :Depression

    scapula moves inferiorly

  • motions of the shoulder girdle: Protraction

    motions of the shoulder girdle: Protraction

    scapula moves away from the vertebral column

  • motions of the shoulder girdle: Retraction

    motions of the shoulder girdle: Retraction

    scapula moves toward the vertebral column

  • motions of the shoulder girdle: Upward rotation

    motions of the shoulder girdle: Upward rotation

    Upward rotation

  • motions of the shoulder girdle: Downward rotation

    motions of the shoulder girdle: Downward rotation

    rotation of the inferior angle medially and inferiorly

  • motions of the shoulder girdle: Scapular tilt

    motions of the shoulder girdle: Scapular tilt

    rotation of the inferior angle posteriorly

  • motions of the shoulder girdle: Scapular winging

    motions of the shoulder girdle: Scapular winging

    movement of the medial border posteriorly

  • upper trapezius

    upper trapezius


    External occipital protuberance, superior nuchal line, spinous processes of cervical vertebrae via nuchal ligament


    Lateral third of clavicle, acromion process


    Scapular elevation, upward rotation, retraction

    Capital and cervical extension and lateral flexion when scapula is stabilized


    Spinal accessory (cranial nerve XI), C3 and C4 sensory component

  • middle trapezius

    middle trapezius


    Spinous processes of C7 through T3 via supraspinal ligament


    Medial aspect of acromion and spine of scapula


    Scapular retraction, upward rotation


    Spinal accessory (cranial nerve XI), C3 and C4 sensory component

  • lower trapezius

    lower trapezius


    Spinous processes of T4 through T12 via supraspinal ligament


    Base of spine of the scapula


    Scapular depression, upward rotation, retraction


    Spinal accessory (cranial nerve XI), C3 and C4 sensory component

  • levator scapula

    levator scapula


    Transverse processes C1 through C4


    Vertebral border of scapula between superior angle and spine of scapula


    Scapular elevation, downward rotation

    Lateral flexion of cervical spine when scapula is stabilized


    Third and fourth cervical nerves and dorsal scapular nerve (C5)

  • rhomboid



    Spinous processes of C7 through T5 via nuchal and supraspinal ligaments


    Vertebral border of scapula between inferior angle and base of spine of scapula


    Scapular retraction, elevation, and downward rotation


    Dorsal scapular nerve (C5)

  • serratus anterior


    Lateral surface of first (1st) through eighth (8th) ribs


    Vertebral border of the scapula, anterior surface


    Scapular protraction and upward rotation

    Elevation of thoracic cage when shoulder girdle is stabilized

    Accessory muscle of respiration (inhalation)


    Long thoracic nerve (C5, C6, C7)

  • pectoralis minor

    pectoralis minor


    Anterior surface, third (3rd) through fifth (5th) ribs


    Coracoid process of scapula


    Scapular depression, protraction, downward rotation, tilt

    Elevation of thoracic cage when shoulder girdle is stabilized

    Accessory muscle of respiration (inhalation)


    Medial pectoral nerve (C8, T1)

  • anterior deltoid

    anterior deltoid


    Anterior surface, third (3rd) through fifth (5th) ribs


    Coracoid process of scapula


    Scapular depression, protraction, downward rotation, tilt

    Elevation of thoracic cage when shoulder girdle is stabilized

    Accessory muscle of respiration (inhalation)


    Medial pectoral nerve (C8, T1)

  • medial deltoid

    medial deltoid


    Acromion process


    Deltoid tuberosity


    Shoulder abduction

    Depression of the shoulder girdle when humerus is stabilized


    Axillary nerve (C5, C6)

  • posterior deltoid

    posterior deltoid


    Spine of scapula


    Deltoid tuberosity


    Shoulder abduction, extension, lateral rotation, horizontal abduction

    Depression of the shoulder girdle when humerus is stabilized


    Axillary nerve (C5, C6)

  • coracobrachialis



    Coracoid process of the scapula


    Medial surface of the humerus near the midpoint


    Shoulder flexion, adduction. Stabilizes shoulder.


    Musculocutaneous nerve (C5, C6, C7)