2024-04-08T05:20:11+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>What are 5 causes for muscle weakness?</p>, <p>What is the difference between isometric and isotonic muscle contractions</p>, <p>contradictions for MMT/ ROMT</p>, <p>5 Steps in preparation for testing</p>, <p>Goniometer placement for shoulder flexion/extension</p>, <p>Goniometer placement for shoulder abduction</p>, <p>Goniometer placement for shoulder internal and external rotation </p>, <p>Goniometer placement for horizontal abduction and adduction </p>, <p>Goniometer placement for elbow flexion/ extension</p>, <p>Goniometer placement for forearm supination and pronation</p>, <p>Goniometer placement for wrist flexion/ extension</p>, <p>Goniometer placement ulnar and radial deviation</p>, <p>MMT grading: normal (N), 5</p>, <p>MMT grading: good plus (G+), 4+</p>, <p>MMT grading: good (G), 4</p>, <p>MMT grading: good minus (G-), 4-</p>, <p>MMT grading: fair plus (F+),3+</p>, <p>MMT grading: fair (F), 3-</p>, <p>MMT grading: poor plus (P+), 2+</p>, <p>MMT grading: poor (P),2</p>, <p>MMT grading: poor minus (P-), 2-</p>, <p>MMT grading: trace (T), 1</p>, <p>PROM</p>, <p>SROM</p>, <p>AAROM</p>, <p>AROM</p>, <p>know grav minimized positions</p> flashcards
OTH 1040 quiz 2

OTH 1040 quiz 2

  • What are 5 causes for muscle weakness?

    . lower motor neuron disease

    .primary muscle disease

    .neurological diseases

    .disuse/ immobilization

    . secondary symptom

  • What is the difference between isometric and isotonic muscle contractions

    isometric: no change in muscle length, causes stability

    isotonic: concentric and eccentric actions that create movement.

  • contradictions for MMT/ ROMT

    .inflation/ pain


    .bone carcinoma


    .myositis ossifans

  • 5 Steps in preparation for testing

    1. asses AROM

    2.assess PROM

    3.determine if full MMT or Gross MMT is needed

    4.correctly position client

    5. ensure test validly

  • Goniometer placement for shoulder flexion/extension

    1" below acromion process

  • Goniometer placement for shoulder abduction

    posterior GH joint

  • Goniometer placement for shoulder internal and external rotation

    olecranon process

  • Goniometer placement for horizontal abduction and adduction

    top of acromion process

  • Goniometer placement for elbow flexion/ extension

    lateral epicondyle

  • Goniometer placement for forearm supination and pronation

    center of 3rd proximal phalanx

  • Goniometer placement for wrist flexion/ extension

    mid wrist

  • Goniometer placement ulnar and radial deviation

    dorsum, middle wrist

  • MMT grading: normal (N), 5

    complete ROM against gravity, max resistance

  • MMT grading: good plus (G+), 4+

    Full ROM, can maintain mod resistance but breaks at max

  • MMT grading: good (G), 4

    full ROM, mod resistance

  • MMT grading: good minus (G-), 4-

    Full ROM, min assistance

  • MMT grading: fair plus (F+),3+

    Full ROM, min assistance through partial ROM but abruptly breaks

  • MMT grading: fair (F), 3-

    Not full ROM, gradual release of the test position

  • MMT grading: poor plus (P+), 2+

    less than 1/2 ROM against gravity or full ROM in grav minimized position w min resistance.

  • MMT grading: poor (P),2

    Full ROM in gravity minimized only and no resistance

  • MMT grading: poor minus (P-), 2-

    Partial ROM in gravity minimized postioion

  • MMT grading: trace (T), 1

    no joint motion but observable contraction

  • PROM

    secondary individual is moving limb through patterns of muscles.

    no effect of muscle tone or strength

  • SROM

    client educated on how to do motion on their own

    uneffected limb supports effected


    combined effort of outside force and the clients muscle strength

    assistance is lessened as the client gains strength

  • AROM

    how client moves w their own strength

  • know grav minimized positions
