The posterior compartment of the arms is also known as
Extensor compartment
The anterior compartment of the arm is also known as
Flexor compartment
Which are the muscles than conform the anterior compartment of the arms
Biceps brachii
The short head of the biceps muscle attaches to
Coracoid process of the scapula
The long head of the biceps muscle attaches to
Supraglenoid process of the scapula
The long head of the biceps muscle is held by
Transverse humeral ligament
Biceps muscle converges on
Tuberosity of the radius
Both heads of the biceps muscle blend with (...)
Bicipital aponeurosis
Nerve that innervates the biceps muscle
Joint in which the biceps muscle helps to prevent dislocation and stabilize the shoulder point
Glenohumeral joint
Function of the Glenohumeral joint of the biceps m.
Prevents dislocation and stabilize shoulder point
Join og the biceps m. that flex the elbow like lifting up heavy objects
Humero-ulnar joint
Function of the radioulnar joint of the biceps m.
Due to the orientation of the bicipital aponeurosis, helps the supinator muscle to supinate the forearm
Coracobrachialis m. attaches to
Proximally: Coracoid process of the scapula
Distally: Middle third of the anteromedial surface of the humeral midshaft
Function of the coracobrachialis m.
Flex and adduct glenohumeral joint
Stabilize shoulder joint by resisting downwards dislocation
Coracobrachialis m. innervations
Brachialis m. attaches to
Distal half of anterior surface of humerus
As the brachialis m. cruses the elbor joint is attached to
Coronoid process and tuberosity of ulna
Innervation of brachialis m.
Musculocutaneous & Radial nerves
Function of brachialis m.
Flexes forearms at elbow joint
Inervation of triceps brachii
Radial nerve
Innervation of anconeus m.
Radial nerve
Origen de la cabeza larga del triceps brachii
Tuberculo infraglenoide de la escápula
Origen de la cabeza lateral del triceps brachii
Superior of the radial groove (surco radial)
Origen de la cabeza medial del triceps brachii
Inferior of the radial grove (surco radial)
Inserción del triceps brachii
Olecron and fascia of the forearm (posterior)
Function of the triceps brachii
Extension of the forearms
Specific function fo the long hea, helps to...
1.Stabilize shoulder joint
2.Prevent dislocation
3.Extend and adduct glenohumeral joint
Origen del anconeus
Laeral epicondyle of the humerus
Inserción del anconeus
Lateral surface of olecranon and the proximal ulna
Función del anconeus
1.Extension of the forarm
2.Adds stability to elbow joint
Origen del nervio musculocutaneo
C5, C6 C7
After the musculocutaneous nerve emerges from the biceps changes it´s name to...
Lateral cutaneous nerve of the forearms
Origen del nervio mediano
C7, C8, T1
Origen del nervio ulnar
C8, T1
Origen del nervio radial
Main artery that supplies the arm
Brachial artery
The axilary artery continues as the brachial artery after
Axilar a. passes the inferior border of the teres major muscle
Brachial a. initially lies (...)
Medial to the humerus
The median nerve crosses anterior / posterior the brachial a. in the mid-arm region
Biggest branch of the brachial artery
Profunda brachii artery / Deep artery
Artery that courses posterolaterally to the humerus between the long head and lateral head of the triceps, travelling alon the radial groove
Profunda brachii artery
The profunda brachii at the level of the elbow branches into ...
Middle colateral artery
Radial collateral artery
Second branch of the brachial artery
Superior ulnar collateral artery
The superior ulnar collateral artery is located
Posterior to the medial epicondyle of the humerus
At the level of the medial epicondyle of the humerus the Superior ulnar collateral artery anastomisis with ...
1.Inferior ulnar collateral a.
2.Posterior ulnar recurrent a.
Third branch of the brachial artery
Inferior ulnar collateral artery
What is the origen of the Inferior ulnar collateral artery
Orginates in the medial arm immediately superior of the medial epicondyle
The Inferior ulnar collateral artery anatamosed with
Anterior ulnar recurrent artery
In the cubital fossa the brachial artery has 2 terminal branches
Ulnar and radial arteries
The superficial veins of the forearm course through (...)
Subcutaneous tissue
The deep veins of the forearms course through
Buried deep in muscles and accompany major arteries
Superficial veins are
1.Cefhalic v.
2.Basilic v.
After Cephalic veins ascends from anterior aspect of forearm courses through
Lateral between deltoid and pectoralis major muscles in the deltopectoral groove through deltopectoral triangle
When the basilic vein gets in the middle of the distal thrid of the arm the vein (..)
Pierces (perfora) the brachial fascia; running superiorly prallel to brachial a.
Deep veins
Brachial vein
Superficial lymphatic vessels arises from ...
Cubital lymph nodes
Location of Cubital lymph nodes
Proximal to the medial epicondyle and Medial to basilic vein
A is
Profunda brachii
B is
Superior ulnar collateral artery
C is
Inferior ulnar collateral artery