creating two methods with the same name and parameters but different return types
template that describes the data and behavior associated
instances of a class created to use their attributes
the characteristics or properties of a class or object
a block of code which when called performs specific actions mentioned in it
an object that is created using a class is said to be an instance of that class
refers to hiding the implementation details of a code and only showing the necessary information to the user
refers to implementing code and variables into a single unit
allowing all methods and variables from one class to be accessed in another
Base class
the class from which the subclass is derived
Derived class
a class which inherits from a base class
the block of code which initializes the state and value of an object during object creation
the ability of objects to take on many forms
Method Overriding
occurs when a subclass has the same method as the parent class
breaking down large problems into smaller ones each with a method that defines a larger problem
sequence of finite steps designed to solve a specific problem
Information hiding
encapsulating data within a class and restricting access to specific components using access modifier
Static variable
the variable belongs to the class only ; not any instance of it
Static method
a method that belongs to a class rather than any instance of it
a variable which cannot be changed
restricts the accessibility of the class to main class & sub class
restricts access of elements to only the class where they are declared
returns the string version of an object
gives access to an attribute in a given class
used to set the data of a class field to a variable
Studylib tips
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Try the Chrome extension that turns your New Tab screen into a flashcards viewer!
The idea behind StudyLib Extension is that reviewing flashcards will be easier if we distribute all flashcards reviewing into smaller sessions throughout the working day.