2024-03-13T21:06:25+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>6 phases of the waterfall model</p>, <p>Waterfall model: steps of the requirements phase</p>, <p>Three types of requirements in software design</p>, <p>Waterfall model: steps of the design phase</p>, <p>Waterfall model: steps of the implementation phase</p>, <p>Waterfall model: steps of the verification phase</p>, <p>Waterfall model verification phase: difference between verification and validation</p>, <p>Waterfall model: steps of the deployment phase</p>, <p>Waterfall model: steps of the maintenance phase</p>, <p>Object oriented design and analysis aims to make software that is _________, __________ and ___________</p>, <p>Modularity definition</p>, <p>Reusability definition</p>, <p>Flexibility definition</p>, <p>Quality attribute: Functionality - 3 components</p>, <p>Quality attribute: Reliability - 3 components</p>, <p>Quality attribute: Usability - 3 components</p>, <p>Quality attribute: Efficiency - 3 components</p>, <p>Quality attribute: Maintainability - 3 components</p>, <p>6 elements of a use case + 1 optional</p>, <p>Requirement priorisation mnemonic</p>, <p>Relationships and interactions between objects - define association</p>, <p>Relationships and interactions between objects - define aggregation</p>, <p>Relationships and interactions between objects - define composition</p>, <p>Components of a CRC card</p>, <p>Define robustness</p>, <p>3 fundamental design principles</p>, <p>3 more design principles</p>, <p>7 GRASP principles</p>, <p>What grasp principle is being broken here?</p>, <p>What grasp principle is being broken here?</p>, <p>What grasp principle is being broken here?</p>, <p>What grasp principle is being broken here?</p>, <p>What grasp principle is being broken here?</p>, <p>What grasp principle is being broken here?</p>, <p>What grasp principle is being broken here?</p>, <p>What does GRASP stand for?</p>, <p>5 SOLID principles</p>, <p>What is the Liskov substitution principle?</p>, <p>What is the dependency inversion principle?</p>, <p>What SOLID principle is being broken here?</p>, <p>What SOLID principle is being broken here?</p>, <p>Open for ________, closed for __________</p>, <p>What SOLID principle is being broken here?</p>, <p>What SOLID principle is being broken here?</p>, <p>What SOLID principle is being broken here?</p>, <p>Mnemonic for grasp principles</p>, <p>5 types of code smells mnemonic and what it stands for</p>, <p>Define the bloater code smell and give examples.</p>, <p>Long method solutions</p>, <p>Large class (a class with too many responsibilities) solutions</p>, <p>Long parameter list solution</p>, <p>Define primitive obsession</p>, <p>What code smell is present here? How do you fix it?</p>, <p>What kind of bloater code smell is displayed here?</p>, <p>What principle does the Object-Oriented Abuser code smell - switch statements violate?</p>, <p>Change preventer code smell definition</p>, <p>What category of code smell does duplicated code fall under?</p>, <p>What category of code smell does feature envy fall under? What is feature envy?</p>, <p>What principle do message chains violate?</p>, <p>Object diagram definition</p>, <p>What diagram is this? </p>, <p>What does &lt;&lt;include&gt;&gt; mean in a use case diagram?</p>, <p>What does &lt;&lt;extend&gt;&gt; mean in a use case diagram?</p>, <p>No answer required: example of a class diagram with associations</p>, <p>Class associations: define multiplicity</p>, <p>Symbols for public, private and protected in class diagrams</p>, <p>What does the white arrow represent?</p>, <p>What does the yellow textbox represent?</p>, <p>What category of diagrams do use case and class/object diagrams belong to?</p>, <p>What type of diagram is this?</p>, <p>What do the narrow white rectangles represent in sequence diagrams?</p>, <p>What type of diagram is this?</p>, <p>What type of diagram is this?</p>, <p>What type of diagram is this?</p>, <p>What category of diagrams do sequence, package and state diagrams belong to?</p>, <p>What type of diagram is this?</p>, <p>What type of activity diagram is this?</p>, <p>Notes multiplicity UML class diagram</p>, <p>3 types of design patterns</p>, <p>3 creational design patterns we learned</p>, <p>4 components (types of classes) of the factory design pattern</p>, <p>Factory design pattern - basic UML class diagram</p>, <p>Notes abstract factory UML</p>, <p>Notes simple factory</p>, <p>Singleton pattern basic java code</p>, <p>Factory method pattern definition/function</p>, <p>What principle does Singleton violate?</p>, <p>Decorator design pattern UML diagram</p>, <p>Adapter design pattern UML diagram</p>, <p>Difference between adapter and facade design patterns</p>, <p>Which design pattern is best suited to allow clients to interact with sensitive objects such as a bank account?</p>, <p>3 types of proxy patterns</p>, <p>Proxy design pattern - define remote proxy</p>, <p>Proxy design pattern - define virtual proxy</p>, <p>Proxy design pattern - define protection proxy</p>, <p>Proxy design pattern UML diagram</p>, <p>The strategy design pattern focuses on using ________ over __________</p>, <p>Strategy design pattern UML</p>, <p>Observer UML</p>, <p>Alt boxes in a use case diagram</p> flashcards
Object Oriented Modelling

Object Oriented Modelling

  • 6 phases of the waterfall model

    Requirements, Design, Implementation, Verification, Deployment, Maintenance

  • Waterfall model: steps of the requirements phase

    Identify Stakeholders-> Gather requirements-> Analyze requirements-> Requirements specification-> Validate requirements.

  • Three types of requirements in software design

    Functional, non-functional, domain (complying with standards)

  • Waterfall model: steps of the design phase

    Requirements specification-> Design -> UI/UX design-> System architecture-> Design document

  • Waterfall model: steps of the implementation phase

    Design Document->Code development -> Compile and build

  • Waterfall model: steps of the verification phase

    Built product -> Verification -> Validation -> Testing

  • Waterfall model verification phase: difference between verification and validation

    Verification: are we building the product right? // Validation: are we building the right product?

  • Waterfall model: steps of the deployment phase

    Verification -> Prepare release -> Launch on platforms -> Monitor performance

  • Waterfall model: steps of the maintenance phase

    Deployment -> Provide support -> Implement updates -> Fix bugs

  • Object oriented design and analysis aims to make software that is _________, __________ and ___________

    Modular, reusable and flexible

  • Modularity definition

    The degree to which a system is built of discrete components such that a change to one of them has minimal impact on the others

  • Reusability definition

    The degree to which an asset can be used in other systems or when building other assets

  • Flexibility definition

    The degree to which code can be adapted to changing requirements

  • Quality attribute: Functionality - 3 components

    Completeness, correctness, appropriateness

  • Quality attribute: Reliability - 3 components

    Maturity, fault tolerance, recoverability

  • Quality attribute: Usability - 3 components

    Understandability, learnability, operability

  • Quality attribute: Efficiency - 3 components

    Time behavior, resource utilization, capacity

  • Quality attribute: Maintainability - 3 components

    Modularity, reusability, analyzability

  • 6 elements of a use case + 1 optional

    Actors, preconditions, trigger, postconditions, basic flow, alternative flow(s) (edge cases), supplemental requirements (optional)

  • Requirement priorisation mnemonic

    MoSCoW (Must have, should have, could have, won't have this time)

  • Relationships and interactions between objects - define association

    A simple connection between objects

  • Relationships and interactions between objects - define aggregation

    A 'uses a' or 'has a' relationship, can be one-to-one, one-to-many or many-to-many. The part can exist without the whole.

  • Relationships and interactions between objects - define composition

    A strong form of aggregation. The parts cannot exist without the whole. Strong 'contains a' relationship. Example a Car class has an Engine class

  • Components of a CRC card

    Class Name, responsibility, collaborators

  • Define robustness

    A system's ability to handle errors and unexpected situations gracefully

  • 3 fundamental design principles

    DRY (Don't repeat yourself), KISS (Keep it simple, stupid) and YAGNI (You aren't going to need it)

  • 3 more design principles

    Separation of concerns, Principle of least astonishment, law of Demeter

  • 7 GRASP principles

    Information expert (responsibilities go to the class with the most related information), Creator, Controller, High Cohesion, Low coupling, Polymorphism, Pure fabrication

  • What grasp principle is being broken here?

    What grasp principle is being broken here?

    Information expert

  • What grasp principle is being broken here?

    What grasp principle is being broken here?


  • What grasp principle is being broken here?

    What grasp principle is being broken here?


  • What grasp principle is being broken here?

    What grasp principle is being broken here?

    Low coupling

  • What grasp principle is being broken here?

    What grasp principle is being broken here?

    High cohesion

  • What grasp principle is being broken here?

    What grasp principle is being broken here?


  • What grasp principle is being broken here?

    What grasp principle is being broken here?

    Pure fabrication

  • What does GRASP stand for?

    General responsibility assignment software patterns

  • 5 SOLID principles

    Single responsibility, Open/closed, Liskov Substitution, Interface segregation, dependency inversion.

  • What is the Liskov substitution principle?

    Ensuring that subclasses can replace their superclasses without altering the program's correctness

  • What is the dependency inversion principle?

    Depending on abstractions rather than concrete implementations. Abstractions should not depend on details, details should depend on abstractions

  • What SOLID principle is being broken here?

    What SOLID principle is being broken here?

    Single responsibility

  • What SOLID principle is being broken here?

    What SOLID principle is being broken here?


  • Open for ________, closed for __________

    extension, modification

  • What SOLID principle is being broken here?

    What SOLID principle is being broken here?

    Liskov substitution

  • What SOLID principle is being broken here?

    What SOLID principle is being broken here?

    Interface segregation

  • What SOLID principle is being broken here?

    What SOLID principle is being broken here?

    Dependency inversion

  • Mnemonic for grasp principles

    Clip chp

  • 5 types of code smells mnemonic and what it stands for

    CD COB - Change preventers, Dispensables, Couplers, Object-Orientation Abusers, Bloaters

  • Define the bloater code smell and give examples.

    Oversized code (classes, methods, etc). Eg: Long method, Large Class, Long Parameter List, Primitive Obsession, Data Clumps

  • Long method solutions

    Extract method, replace temp with query, group parameters into objects

  • Large class (a class with too many responsibilities) solutions

    Extract class, extract subclass/extract interface

  • Long parameter list solution

    Use objects to group parameters or replace parameters with method calls.

  • Define primitive obsession

    Overuse of primitive types instead of small objects for simple tasks.

  • What code smell is present here? How do you fix it?

    What code smell is present here? How do you fix it?

    Bloater - Oversized code - primitive obsession. Create objects that store these three values instead of having them all grouped in a single array.

  • What kind of bloater code smell is displayed here?

    What kind of bloater code smell is displayed here?

    Data clump. Related data appears together but is not grouped into a data structure.

  • What principle does the Object-Oriented Abuser code smell - switch statements violate?

    Open/closed principle

  • Change preventer code smell definition

    Code that necessitates widespread changes for a single adjustment.

  • What category of code smell does duplicated code fall under?


  • What category of code smell does feature envy fall under? What is feature envy?

    Couplers. A method that seems more interested in a class other than the one it actually is in.

  • What principle do message chains violate?

    Law of demeter

  • Object diagram definition

    Class instances at a specific time

  • What diagram is this?

    What diagram is this?

    Use case diagram

  • What does <<include>> mean in a use case diagram?

    A use case (action) that is always executed in another use case

  • What does <<extend>> mean in a use case diagram?

    Optional or conditional behavior between two use cases (actions)

  • No answer required: example of a class diagram with associations

  • Class associations: define multiplicity

    How many instances of one class can be associated with an instance of another class.

  • Symbols for public, private and protected in class diagrams

    +, - and #

  • What does the white arrow represent?

    What does the white arrow represent?


  • What does the yellow textbox represent?

    What does the yellow textbox represent?

    A constraint

  • What category of diagrams do use case and class/object diagrams belong to?


  • What type of diagram is this?

    What type of diagram is this?

    Sequence diagram

  • What do the narrow white rectangles represent in sequence diagrams?

    The active period of an object

  • What type of diagram is this?

    What type of diagram is this?

    Package diagram

  • What type of diagram is this?

    What type of diagram is this?

    State diagram

  • What type of diagram is this?

    What type of diagram is this?

    Composite state diagram

  • What category of diagrams do sequence, package and state diagrams belong to?


  • What type of diagram is this?

    What type of diagram is this?

    Activity diagram

  • What type of activity diagram is this?

    What type of activity diagram is this?

    Parallel processes

  • Notes multiplicity UML class diagram

  • 3 types of design patterns

    Creational, Structural, Behavioral

  • 3 creational design patterns we learned

    Factory, abstract factory, singleton

  • 4 components (types of classes) of the factory design pattern

    Factory, concrete factory, product, concrete product

  • Factory design pattern - basic UML class diagram

  • Notes abstract factory UML

  • Notes simple factory

  • Singleton pattern basic java code

  • Factory method pattern definition/function

    A creational design pattern that provides aninterface for creating objects in a superclass, but allows subclasses toalter the type of objects that will be created

  • What principle does Singleton violate?

    single responsibility

  • Decorator design pattern UML diagram

  • Adapter design pattern UML diagram

  • Difference between adapter and facade design patterns

    Adapter wraps one object,while Facade works with an entire subsystemof objects.

  • Which design pattern is best suited to allow clients to interact with sensitive objects such as a bank account?

    Proxy (specifically a protection proxy)

  • 3 types of proxy patterns

    Remote, virtual, protection

  • Proxy design pattern - define remote proxy

    Facilitates access to objects located in different address spaces.

  • Proxy design pattern - define virtual proxy

    Delays the creation and initialization of expensive objects until needed.

  • Proxy design pattern - define protection proxy

    Controls access to an object based on access rights.

  • Proxy design pattern UML diagram

  • The strategy design pattern focuses on using ________ over __________

    composition, inheritance

  • Strategy design pattern UML

  • Observer UML

  • Alt boxes in a use case diagram