2017-07-28T14:09:20+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true Cheonmin, Enryaku-ji, Dazaifu (government), Yōrō Code, Tōdai-ji, Nagaoka-kyō, Chūson-ji, Akita Castle, Nihon Shoki, Man'yōshū, Man'yōgana, Kana, Ritsuryō, Heijō Palace, Rikkokushi, Fujiwara no Nakamaro Rebellion, Hayato Rebellion, Sue pottery, Hokke-ji, Haji pottery flashcards
Nara period

Nara period

  • Cheonmin
    Cheonmin, or "vulgar commoners," were the lowest caste of commoners in dynastical Korea.
  • Enryaku-ji
    Enryaku-ji (延暦寺 Enryaku-ji) is a Tendai monastery located on Mount Hiei in Ōtsu, overlooking Kyoto.
  • Dazaifu (government)
    The Dazaifu (大宰府 or 太宰府) is a Japanese term for the regional government in Kyushu from the 8th to the 12th centuries.
  • Yōrō Code
    The Yōrō Code (養老律令 Yōrō-ritsuryō) was one iteration of several codes or governing rules compiled in early Nara period in Classical Japan.
  • Tōdai-ji
    Tōdai-ji (東大寺, Eastern Great Temple) is a Buddhist temple complex, that was once one of the powerful Seven Great Temples, located in the city of Nara, Japan.
  • Nagaoka-kyō
    Nagaoka-kyō (長岡京) was the capital of Japan from 784 to 794.
  • Chūson-ji
    Chūson-ji (中尊寺) is a Buddhist temple in Hiraizumi, Iwate Prefecture, Japan.
  • Akita Castle
    Akita Castle (秋田城 Akita-jō) refers to the ruins of a Nara period fortified settlement located in what is now the city Akita, Akita Prefecture, Japan.
  • Nihon Shoki
    The Nihon Shoki (日本書紀), sometimes translated as The Chronicles of Japan, is the second oldest book of classical Japanese history.
  • Man'yōshū
    The Man'yōshū (万葉集, literally "Collection of Ten Thousand Leaves", but see Name below) is the oldest existing collection of Japanese poetry, compiled sometime after 759 AD during the Nara period.
  • Man'yōgana
    Man'yōgana (万葉仮名) is an ancient writing system that employs Chinese characters to represent the Japanese language and was the first known kana system to be developed as a means to represent the Japanese language phonetically.
  • Kana
    Kana (仮名) are syllabic Japanese scripts, a part of the Japanese writing system contrasted with the logographic Chinese characters known in Japan as kanji (漢字).
  • Ritsuryō
    Ritsuryō (律令) is the historical law system based on the philosophies of Confucianism and Chinese Legalism in Japan.
  • Heijō Palace
    Heijō Palace (平城宮 Heijō-kyū) was the imperial residence in the Japanese capital city Heijō-kyō (today's Nara), during most of the Nara period.
  • Rikkokushi
    Rikkokushi (六国史) is a general term for Japan's six national histories chronicling the mythology and history of Japan from the earliest times to 887.
  • Fujiwara no Nakamaro Rebellion
    The Fujiwara no Nakamaro Rebellion (藤原仲麻呂の乱 fujiwara no nakamaro no ran) was a short-lived and unsuccessful Nara period military confrontation in Japan resulting from a power struggle between former Empress Kōken and the main political figure of the time, Fujiwara no Nakamaro from the powerful Fujiwara clan.
  • Hayato Rebellion
    The Hayato rebellion (隼人の反乱 Hayato no hanran) (720–721) was a rebellion of the Hayato people of southern Kyushu against the state of Japan.
  • Sue pottery
    Sue pottery (須恵器 sueki, literally offering ware) was a blue-gray form of high-fired pottery which was produced in Japan and southern Korea during the Kofun, Nara, and Heian periods of Japanese history.
  • Hokke-ji
    Hokke-ji (法華寺 Hokke-ji), is a Buddhist temple located in the city of Nara, Japan.
  • Haji pottery
    Haji pottery (土師器 Hajiki) is a type of plain, unglazed, reddish-brown Japanese pottery or earthenware that was produced during the Kofun, Nara, and Heian periods of Japanese history.