2020-06-17T21:52:01+03:00[Europe/Moscow]entrueWhat color is a polar bear’s skin, What is the largest lizard, The male of what species testicles explode on mating and then dies, Europe is separated from Africa by which sea, Canberra is the capital city of which country, New York City comprises how many boroughs, Which nuts are used to make marzipan, Botany is the scientific study of what, Tanks were used in battle for the first time in which conflict, Squab is a name given to the young of which bird, Which female singer discovered a ‘Genie in a Bottle’ in 1999, Which Italian fascist leader was known as ‘Il Duce’, If a male donkey is a jack, what is the female called, In what country did carving jack o’ lanterns originate, In what American state is it illegal to dress up like a priest or a nun, What is the largest planet in our solar system, What has a gravitational pull so strong that even light cannot escape it, Which 1998 Disney film was Lindsay Lohan’s film debut, What type of business did Annie have that failed in “Bridesmaids”, What were the two sides in World War II known asflashcards
The male of what species testicles explode on mating and then dies
Europe is separated from Africa by which sea
Mediterranean Sea
Canberra is the capital city of which country
New York City comprises how many boroughs
Which nuts are used to make marzipan
Botany is the scientific study of what
Tanks were used in battle for the first time in which conflict
World War 1
Squab is a name given to the young of which bird
Which female singer discovered a ‘Genie in a Bottle’ in 1999
Christina Aguilera
Which Italian fascist leader was known as ‘Il Duce’
If a male donkey is a jack, what is the female called
In what country did carving jack o’ lanterns originate
In what American state is it illegal to dress up like a priest or a nun
What is the largest planet in our solar system
What has a gravitational pull so strong that even light cannot escape it
Black Hole
Which 1998 Disney film was Lindsay Lohan’s film debut
Parent Trap
What type of business did Annie have that failed in “Bridesmaids”
What were the two sides in World War II known as
Allies and Axis
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