Charley horse is a popular colloquial term in Canada and the United States for painful involuntary spasms or cramps in the leg muscles, typically lasting anywhere from a few seconds to about a day.
Writer's cramp
Writer's cramp, also called mogigraphia and scrivener's palsy, is a disorder caused by cramps or spasms of certain muscles of the hand and/or forearm, and presents itself while performing fine motor tasks, such as writing or playing an instrument.
Psoas muscle abscess
An abscess in the psoas muscle of the abdomen may be caused by lumbar tuberculosis.
Pyomyositis, also known as tropical pyomyositis or myositis tropicans, is a bacterial infection of the skeletal muscles which results in a pus-filled abscess.
Anterior compartment syndrome of the lower leg
A compartment syndrome is an increased pressure within a muscular compartment that compromises the circulation to the muscles.
Glycogen storage disease type XI
Glycogen storage disease type XI is a form of glycogen storage disease.
Amyotrophy is progressive wasting of muscle tissues.
Chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia
Chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia (CPEO), also known as progressive external ophthalmoplegia (PEO), is a type of eye disorder characterized by slowly progressive inability to move the eyes and eyebrows.
Muscle weakness
Muscle weakness or myasthenia (my- from Greek μυο meaning "muscle" + -asthenia ἀσθένεια meaning "weakness") is a lack of muscle strength.
Myositis is a general term for inflammation of the muscles.
Thyrotoxic periodic paralysis
Thyrotoxic periodic paralysis (TPP) is a condition featuring attacks of muscle weakness in the presence of hyperthyroidism (overactivity of the thyroid gland).
Cataplexy is a sudden and transient episode of muscle weakness accompanied by full conscious awareness, typically triggered by emotions such as laughing, crying, or terror.
A muscle contracture is a permanent shortening of a muscle or joint.
Bimagrumab (BYM338) is a human monoclonal antibody developed by Novartis to treat pathological muscle loss and weakness.
Sphincter paralysis
Sphincter paralysis is paralysis of one of the body's many sphincters, preventing it from constricting normally.
A cramp is a sudden, involuntary muscle contraction or over-shortening; while generally temporary and non-damaging, they can cause mild-to-excruciating pain, and a paralysis-like immobility of the affected muscle(s).
Hypertonia is a term sometimes used synonymously with spasticity in the literature surrounding damage to the central nervous system, namely upper motor neuron lesions.
Diastasis recti
Diastasis recti (also known as abdominal separation) is commonly defined as a gap of roughly 2.
Inclusion body myositis
Inclusion body myositis (IBM) is an inflammatory muscle disease characterized by slowly progressive weakness and wasting of both distal and proximal muscles, most apparent in the muscles of the arms and legs.
Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva
Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP) is an extremely rare connective tissue disease.
Muscle atrophy
Muscle atrophy is defined as a decrease in the mass of the muscle; it can be a partial or complete wasting away of muscle, and is most commonly experienced when persons suffer temporary disabling circumstances such as being restricted in movement and/or confined to bed as when hospitalized.
Myositis ossificans
Myositis ossificans comprises two syndromes characterized by heterotopic ossification (calcification) of muscle.
Myopathy, X-linked, with excessive autophagy
X-linked myopathy with excessive autophagy (XMEA) is a rare childhood onset disease characterized by slow progressive vacuolation and atrophy of skeletal muscle.
Myopathy is a muscular disease in which the muscle fibers do not function for any one of many reasons, resulting in muscular weakness.
Strain (injury)
This is about an injury of a muscle.
Distal spinal muscular atrophy type 2
Distal spinal muscular atrophy type 2 (DSMA2), also known as Jerash type distal hereditary motor neuropathy (HMN-J) — is a very rare childhood-onset genetic disorder characterised by progressive muscle wasting affecting lower and subsequently upper limbs.
Charley horse is a popular colloquial term in Canada and the United States for painful involuntary spasms or cramps in the leg muscles, typically lasting anywhere from a few seconds to about a day.
Writer's cramp
Writer's cramp, also called mogigraphia and scrivener's palsy, is a disorder caused by cramps or spasms of certain muscles of the hand and/or forearm, and presents itself while performing fine motor tasks, such as writing or playing an instrument.
Psoas muscle abscess
An abscess in the psoas muscle of the abdomen may be caused by lumbar tuberculosis.
Pyomyositis, also known as tropical pyomyositis or myositis tropicans, is a bacterial infection of the skeletal muscles which results in a pus-filled abscess.
Anterior compartment syndrome of the lower leg
A compartment syndrome is an increased pressure within a muscular compartment that compromises the circulation to the muscles.
Glycogen storage disease type XI
Glycogen storage disease type XI is a form of glycogen storage disease.
Amyotrophy is progressive wasting of muscle tissues.
Chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia
Chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia (CPEO), also known as progressive external ophthalmoplegia (PEO), is a type of eye disorder characterized by slowly progressive inability to move the eyes and eyebrows.
Muscle weakness
Muscle weakness or myasthenia (my- from Greek μυο meaning "muscle" + -asthenia ἀσθένεια meaning "weakness") is a lack of muscle strength.
Myositis is a general term for inflammation of the muscles.
Thyrotoxic periodic paralysis
Thyrotoxic periodic paralysis (TPP) is a condition featuring attacks of muscle weakness in the presence of hyperthyroidism (overactivity of the thyroid gland).
Cataplexy is a sudden and transient episode of muscle weakness accompanied by full conscious awareness, typically triggered by emotions such as laughing, crying, or terror.
A muscle contracture is a permanent shortening of a muscle or joint.
Bimagrumab (BYM338) is a human monoclonal antibody developed by Novartis to treat pathological muscle loss and weakness.
Sphincter paralysis
Sphincter paralysis is paralysis of one of the body's many sphincters, preventing it from constricting normally.
A cramp is a sudden, involuntary muscle contraction or over-shortening; while generally temporary and non-damaging, they can cause mild-to-excruciating pain, and a paralysis-like immobility of the affected muscle(s).
Hypertonia is a term sometimes used synonymously with spasticity in the literature surrounding damage to the central nervous system, namely upper motor neuron lesions.
Diastasis recti
Diastasis recti (also known as abdominal separation) is commonly defined as a gap of roughly 2.
Inclusion body myositis
Inclusion body myositis (IBM) is an inflammatory muscle disease characterized by slowly progressive weakness and wasting of both distal and proximal muscles, most apparent in the muscles of the arms and legs.
Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva
Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP) is an extremely rare connective tissue disease.
Muscle atrophy
Muscle atrophy is defined as a decrease in the mass of the muscle; it can be a partial or complete wasting away of muscle, and is most commonly experienced when persons suffer temporary disabling circumstances such as being restricted in movement and/or confined to bed as when hospitalized.
Myositis ossificans
Myositis ossificans comprises two syndromes characterized by heterotopic ossification (calcification) of muscle.
Myopathy, X-linked, with excessive autophagy
X-linked myopathy with excessive autophagy (XMEA) is a rare childhood onset disease characterized by slow progressive vacuolation and atrophy of skeletal muscle.
Myopathy is a muscular disease in which the muscle fibers do not function for any one of many reasons, resulting in muscular weakness.
Strain (injury)
This is about an injury of a muscle.
Distal spinal muscular atrophy type 2
Distal spinal muscular atrophy type 2 (DSMA2), also known as Jerash type distal hereditary motor neuropathy (HMN-J) — is a very rare childhood-onset genetic disorder characterised by progressive muscle wasting affecting lower and subsequently upper limbs.
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