2022-05-21T05:02:17+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p><strong>Lab department involving culture and identification of bacterial pathogens is?</strong>&nbsp;</p>, <p><strong>ASCP Board of Registry</strong>&nbsp;</p>, <p><strong>The laboratory department which is responsible for supplying blood products to patients is?</strong>&nbsp;</p>, <p><strong>A PT and PTT would be peformed in the?</strong>&nbsp;</p>, <p><strong>The laboratory department with a high volume of tests and high level of automation, performing testing of serum and body fluids for chemical components is?</strong>&nbsp;</p>, <p><strong>Medical Laboratory Technicians ae certified by a national examination administered by?</strong>&nbsp;</p>, <p><strong>Clinical laboratory scientists who have a bachelors' degree ae also called?</strong>&nbsp;</p>, <p><strong>Hospitals and health care organizations are accreditation by?</strong>&nbsp;</p>, <p><strong>Contaminated needles should be?</strong>&nbsp;</p>, <p><strong>An antigen-antibody agglutination test for infectious mononucleosis is performed in the?</strong>&nbsp;</p>, <p><strong>Federal legislation which regulates standards clinical laboratories must meet is?</strong>&nbsp;</p>, <p><strong>All biological specimens should be?</strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>A. Handled as if they cause disease</strong>&nbsp;<strong>B. Disposed of in a biohazard container</strong>&nbsp;<strong>C. Handled while wearing gloves</strong>&nbsp;<strong>D. All the above</strong></p>, <p><strong>When diluting concentrated hydrochloric acid with water you?</strong>&nbsp;</p>, <p><strong>The purpose of reverse isolation is to protect</strong>&nbsp;</p>, <p><strong>Policies and procedures direction how work is to be done safely in a laboratory would be called</strong>&nbsp;</p>, <p><strong>A 24-hour urine specimen came to the lab. To measure its volume, you should choose?</strong>&nbsp;</p>, <p><strong>Amber-colored microtainer tubes are used to collect specimens for:</strong>&nbsp;</p>, <p><strong>To correctly report a colony count in a urine culture plated using a calibrated 0.001 mL loop, the observed colony count must be multiplied by which of the following?</strong>&nbsp;<strong>a. 1</strong>&nbsp;<strong>b. 100</strong>&nbsp;<strong>c. 1000</strong>&nbsp;<strong>d. 2000</strong>&nbsp;</p>, <p><strong>In a serological serial dilution, if tube 1 has 1mL of an undiluted specimen and doubling dilutions are used thereafter, what is the dilution in tube 10?</strong>&nbsp;<strong>a. 1:200</strong>&nbsp;<strong>b. 1:500</strong>&nbsp;<strong>c. 1:512</strong>&nbsp;<strong>d. 1:1024</strong>&nbsp;</p>, <p>Which of the following is an example of a post analytical function of a laboratory information system?&nbsp;a. Delta Checking&nbsp;b. Laboratory Report Production&nbsp;c. Order Entry of Tests&nbsp;d. Patient Identification&nbsp;</p> flashcards

MLT 81


  • Lab department involving culture and identification of bacterial pathogens is? 


  • ASCP Board of Registry 

    Certifies laboratory personnel 

  • The laboratory department which is responsible for supplying blood products to patients is? 

    Blood bank 

  • A PT and PTT would be peformed in the? 

    Coagulation department 

  • The laboratory department with a high volume of tests and high level of automation, performing testing of serum and body fluids for chemical components is? 

    Clinical Chemistry 

  • Medical Laboratory Technicians ae certified by a national examination administered by? 

    ASCP Board of Registry 

  • Clinical laboratory scientists who have a bachelors' degree ae also called? 


  • Hospitals and health care organizations are accreditation by? 


  • Contaminated needles should be? 

    Disposed of in sharps container 

  • An antigen-antibody agglutination test for infectious mononucleosis is performed in the? 

    Immunology/Serology department 

  • Federal legislation which regulates standards clinical laboratories must meet is? 


  • All biological specimens should be?  A. Handled as if they cause disease B. Disposed of in a biohazard container C. Handled while wearing gloves D. All the above

    All the above 

  • When diluting concentrated hydrochloric acid with water you? 

    You should pour the water in the beakers first 

  • The purpose of reverse isolation is to protect 

    The compromised patient from infection 

  • Policies and procedures direction how work is to be done safely in a laboratory would be called 

    Work practice controls 

  • A 24-hour urine specimen came to the lab. To measure its volume, you should choose? 

    A volumetric flask 

  • Amber-colored microtainer tubes are used to collect specimens for: 


  • To correctly report a colony count in a urine culture plated using a calibrated 0.001 mL loop, the observed colony count must be multiplied by which of the following? a. 1 b. 100 c. 1000 d. 2000 

    c. 1000 

  • In a serological serial dilution, if tube 1 has 1mL of an undiluted specimen and doubling dilutions are used thereafter, what is the dilution in tube 10? a. 1:200 b. 1:500 c. 1:512 d. 1:1024 


  • Which of the following is an example of a post analytical function of a laboratory information system? a. Delta Checking b. Laboratory Report Production c. Order Entry of Tests d. Patient Identification 

    b. Laboratory Report Production