What does the cardiovascular system do?
It delivers oxygen and nutrients to cells of body tissue.
Blood vessels are the ___.
fuel line and transportation network of the nutrients.
What are the combining forms of vessel?
vascul/o, angi/o
What vessel leads away from the heart and transports oxygenated blood?
arteries (red)
Where do veins deliver blood to?
The heart
What do the valves do?
Keep the blood flowing in the right direction, and makes sure they don't go backwards.
What vein delivers blood from the upper half of the body to the heart?
Superior vena cava
Deoxygenated blood first enters the heart from the vena cava into the ___.
Right atrium
Deoxygenated blood enters the pulmonary valve and goes to the ___ through the pulmonary artery.
left and right lungs
Where does gas exchange occur?
The lungs
After the blood has been oxygenated, what veins does it enter to get to the heart?
Pulmonary veins
What atrium does the oxygenated blood go to after it's return from the lungs?
The left atrium
Blood exits the left atrium to go into the left ___ and exits the heart through the ___.
ventricle, aorta
Of the 3 blood vessels in the body, which of them has a valve and why?
The vein has a valve; it's sending deoxygenated blood to the heart, and the valve is there to make sure it doesn't go backwards.
What are the 2 phases of the heartbeat and what do they mean?
- Diastole: relaxation phase of the heartbeat
- Systole: contraction
The sphygmomanometer is an instrument that measures what?
People's blood pressure.
Where is the apex of the heart located?
The lower tip of the heart.
The arteriole is a ___.
small artery
Detail the journey of CO2 in the cardiac system.
Enters the heart via veins, and then goes to the lungs to be exhaled.
Where are the coronary arteries located?
Outside the heart; branch out from the aorta and covers the heart, carries oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscle so that it can function.
The endocardium is the ___.
inner lining of the heart
The endothelium is the ___.
innermost lining of blood vessels
The myocardium is the ___.
muscular, middle layer of the heart
What is pulmonary circulation?
The flow of blood from the heart to the lungs and back to the heart.
The pulse is the result of the ___.
beating of the heart felt through the walls of the arteries
What is the septum?
The wall dividing the two ventricles and atria.
What does systemic circulation refer to?
The flow of blood from the body tissue to the heart and back (the entire system).
What is the largest vein in the body?
The vena cava (superior and inferior)
What is a venule?
A small vein
artery (2)
arteri/o, arter/o
yellowish plaque
heart (2 possible)
cardi/o, coron/o
chest (think what instrument is used to listen to your heart)
What happens when blood stops moving?
It clots
valve (2)
valv/o, valvul/o
vessel (2)
vas/o, vascul/o
What is atherosclerosis, and break down the word.
Plaque (ather/o), stiffening, hardening (-sclerosis); The build up of plaque and fat creating a blockage.
What is a thrombotic occlussion?
Blockage caused by a clot.
Necrosis is ___.
tissue death
What is an infarction?
When blood supply to an organ or tissue is blocked; usually by a thrombus, causing local death of the tissue.
Tldr; blockage of blood supply
What are the symptoms of Acute Coronary Syndromes (ACS)?
- Unstable angina: chest pain that doesn't stop with rest; can lead to myocardial infarction
- Myocardial infarction: blockage of the coronary arteries; a heart attack, the blood stops flowing to the heart muscle and dies as a result.
What is an aneurysm?
Vessel is ruptured due to bloating (expansion).
What is Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)?
Blood clotting in deeper veins (legs, thighs).
What is HTN and what does it stand for?
Hypertension; high blood pressure.
What is PVD and what does it stand for?
Peripheral Vascular Disease; disease outside (peripheral) the heart.
What happens to the veins when somebody has varicose veins?
Their valves aren't working properly and end up making the veins bulge.
What is a coronary artery bypass graft, what happens during it?
Where a section of the vein from a leg, or the chest is removed and a coronary artery is attached to bypass an area of blockage.
What is a percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI)?
The placement of a stent to dilate and open a blocked vessel.
to hold back
-lysis (think of hydrolysis, and what happens there)
breakdown, separation, loosening
suffix for enlargement
tightening, structure
prefix for slow
lack of, down, less, removal of
bad, painful, difficult
What is the term for paralysis of the heart.
cardi/o (the heart), -plegia (paralysis)
What is the term for cutting a vein?
phleb/o (vein), -tomy (to cut, make an incision)
What is the singular form of atrium?
-um --> -a
The procedure where a thin tube is inserted into the heart and is used to diagnose and treat heart conditions is called?
Cardiac Catheterization
What is the procedure that involves the recording of the vessels of the heart?
Coronary Angiogram
Coronary - heart
Angi/o (vessels), -gram (record, recording of)
What does pericardiocentesis mean and what occurs in this procedure?
Pericardi/o (the pericardium), -centesis (a puncture, perforation, usually to remove fluid)
Puncturing the pericardium to remove fluid
What procedure involves dilating a vessel (stent)?
What is the difference between atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis?
Atherosclerosis - build of plaque, fats and other materials along the arterial walls and can block blood flow.
Arteriosclerosis - a general term for changes to the arterial walls (hardening, or stiffening that can restrict blood flow).