2017-07-29T18:04:09+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true Binge eating disorder, Gynecomastia, Atherosclerosis, Hemorrhoid, Metabolic syndrome, Prader–Willi syndrome, Diabetes mellitus type 2, Fatty liver, Obesity hypoventilation syndrome, Polycystic ovary syndrome, Gastroesophageal reflux disease, Stretch marks, Prediabetes, Abdominal obesity, Cushing's syndrome, Sleep apnea, Acanthosis nigricans, Bardet–Biedl syndrome, Varicose veins, Cushing's disease, MOMO syndrome, Arteriosclerosis, Obstructive sleep apnea, Hypertriglyceridemia, Pelvic lipomatosis, Diseases of affluence, Genu valgum, Hypercholesterolemia, Combined hyperlipidemia flashcards
Medical conditions related to obesity

Medical conditions related to obesity

  • Binge eating disorder
    Binge eating disorder (BED) is characterized by binge eating without subsequent purging episodes.
  • Gynecomastia
    Gynecomastia is a common disorder of the endocrine system in which there is a non-cancerous increase in the size of male breast tissue.
  • Atherosclerosis
    Atherosclerosis (also known as arteriosclerotic vascular disease or ASVD) is a specific form of arteriosclerosis in which an artery-wall thickens as a result of invasion and accumulation of white blood cells (WBCs) (foam cell) and proliferation of intimal-smooth-muscle cell creating a fibrofatty plaque.
  • Hemorrhoid
    Hemorrhoids, also spelled haemorrhoids, are vascular structures in the anal canal.
  • Metabolic syndrome
    Metabolic syndrome, sometimes known by , is a clustering of at least three of the five (unfold into nine combination) following medical conditions: * abdominal (central) obesity (cf. TOFI) * elevated blood pressure * elevated fasting plasma glucose * high serum triglycerides * low high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels Metabolic syndrome is associated with the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.
  • Prader–Willi syndrome
    Prader–Willi syndrome (PWS) is a genetic disorder due to loss of function of specific genes on chromosome 15.
  • Diabetes mellitus type 2
    Diabetes mellitus type 2 (also known as type 2 diabetes) is a long term metabolic disorder that is characterized by high blood sugar, insulin resistance, and relative lack of insulin.
  • Fatty liver
    Fatty liver, also known as fatty liver disease (FLD) or hepatic steatosis, is a reversible condition wherein large vacuoles of triglyceride fat accumulate in liver cells via the process of steatosis (i.e., abnormal retention of lipids within a cell).
  • Obesity hypoventilation syndrome
    Obesity hypoventilation syndrome (also known as Pickwickian syndrome) is a condition in which severely overweight people fail to breathe rapidly enough or deeply enough, resulting in low blood oxygen levels and high blood carbon dioxide (CO2) levels.
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome
    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a set of symptoms due to elevated androgens (male hormones) in women.
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease
    Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), also known as acid reflux, is a long term condition where stomach contents come back up into the esophagus resulting in either symptoms or complications.
  • Stretch marks
    "Striae" is also a general term referring to thin, narrow grooves or channels, or a thin line or band especially if several of them are parallel or close together.
  • Prediabetes
    Prediabetes is the precursor stage before diabetes mellitus in which not all of the symptoms required to diagnose diabetes are present, but blood sugar is abnormally high.
  • Abdominal obesity
    Abdominal obesity, also known as central obesity, is when excessive abdominal fat around the stomach and abdomen has built up to the extent that it is likely to have a negative impact on health.
  • Cushing's syndrome
    Cushing's syndrome is a collection of signs and symptoms due to prolonged exposure to cortisol.
  • Sleep apnea
    Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder characterized by pauses in breathing or periods of shallow breathing during sleep.
  • Acanthosis nigricans
    Acanthosis nigricans is a brown to black, poorly defined, velvety hyperpigmentation of the skin.
  • Bardet–Biedl syndrome
    Bardet–Biedl syndrome (BBS) is a ciliopathic human genetic disorder that produces many effects and affects many body systems.
  • Varicose veins
    Varicose veins are veins that have become enlarged and twisted.
  • Cushing's disease
    Cushing's disease is a cause of Cushing's syndrome characterised by increased secretion of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) from the anterior pituitary (secondary hypercortisolism).
  • MOMO syndrome
    MOMO syndrome is an extremely rare genetic disorder which belongs to the overgrowth syndromes and has been diagnosed in only six cases around the world, and occurs in 1 in 100 million births.
  • Arteriosclerosis
    Arteriosclerosis is the thickening, hardening and loss of elasticity of the walls of arteries.
  • Obstructive sleep apnea
    Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is the most common type of sleep apnea and is caused by complete or partial obstructions of the upper airway.
  • Hypertriglyceridemia
    Hypertriglyceridemia denotes high (hyper-) blood levels (-emia) of triglycerides, the most abundant fatty molecule in most organisms.
  • Pelvic lipomatosis
    The rare disease pelvic lipomatosis is most often seen in older obese black men with hypertension.
  • Diseases of affluence
    Diseases of affluence is a term sometimes given to selected diseases and other health conditions which are commonly thought to be a result of increasing wealth in a society.
  • Genu valgum
    Genu valgum, commonly called "knock-knee", is a condition in which the knees angle in and touch one another when the legs are straightened.
  • Hypercholesterolemia
    Hypercholesterolemia, also called dyslipidemia, is the presence of high levels of cholesterol in the blood.
  • Combined hyperlipidemia
    Combined hyperlipidemia (or -aemia) (also known as multiple-type hyperlipoproteinemia) is a commonly occurring form of hypercholesterolemia (elevated cholesterol levels) characterised by increased LDL and triglyceride concentrations, often accompanied by decreased HDL.