2019-04-24T13:52:13+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true mass production, craft production, mass production, assembly line, flowchart, interchangeable part, advantages of mass production, disadvantages of mass production, automation, quality control flashcards
Mass production

Mass production

  • mass production
    production of goods in large numbers through the use of machinery and assembly lines
  • craft production
    an occupation or pursuit that requires artistic skill (sewing a dress, making a fence out of iron, making glass)
  • mass production
    Process of making large quantities of a product quickly and cheaply
  • assembly line
    a product moves from worker to worker as each fulfills their task in the process
  • flowchart
    A diagram showing the steps in a process or system
  • interchangeable part
    a part of a machine or device that can be replaced by another, identical part
  • advantages of mass production
    1. cheaper products 2. can make many very quickly 3. consistency in quality
  • disadvantages of mass production
    1. work is boring because people repeat the same task 2. no customization or uniqueness in the creation of a pojtook
  • automation
    Using machinery to perform work without human operators
  • quality control
    The process of making sure that products or services meet consistently high standards.