2019-04-24T13:52:13+03:00[Europe/Moscow]entruemass production, craft production, mass production, assembly line, flowchart, interchangeable part, advantages of mass production, disadvantages of mass production, automation, quality controlflashcards
production of goods in large numbers through the use of machinery and assembly lines
craft production
an occupation or pursuit that requires artistic skill (sewing a dress, making a fence out of iron, making glass)
mass production
Process of making large quantities of a product quickly and cheaply
assembly line
a product moves from worker to worker as each fulfills their task in the process
A diagram showing the steps in a process or system
interchangeable part
a part of a machine or device that can be replaced by another, identical part
advantages of mass production
1. cheaper products
2. can make many very quickly
3. consistency in quality
disadvantages of mass production
1. work is boring because people repeat the same task
2. no customization or uniqueness in the creation of a pojtook
Using machinery to perform work without human operators
quality control
The process of making sure that products or services meet consistently high standards.
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