2023-04-05T05:39:01+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>FTU</p>, <p>1 gram</p>, <p>ruled paper applicator </p>, <p>lotions &amp; creams</p>, <p>ointments </p>, <p>large</p>, <p>small</p>, <p>decapsulate 75mg into 15 ml of water, stir, administer: 6ml to 5 yo, 5 ml to 2 yo; twice daily for 5 days</p>, <p>acute angina; sublingual</p>, <p>pain in cancer patients; buccal </p>, <p>a,d</p>, <p>vaginal; post-menopausal changes</p>, <p>steroids; contraceptives</p>, <p>cambia</p>, <p>onzetra xsail</p>, <p>inbrija </p>, <p>sandimmune</p>, <p>neoral</p>, <p>acts on t-lymphocytes</p>, <p>red blood </p>, <p>CYP450 3A</p>, <p>ketoconazole </p>, <p>HPLC</p>, <p>shake bottle before and after adding water</p>, <p>10 days</p>, <p>5-30 celsius</p>, <p>with or without food</p> flashcards
MAL 4-10

MAL 4-10

  • FTU

    -a unit of measure that ranges from the tip of the finger until the first crease on the finger

  • 1 gram

    2 FTU = ?

  • ruled paper applicator

    Nitro-BID uses a _________.

  • lotions & creams

    What do we use to treat wet rashes?

  • ointments

    What do we use to treat dry rashes?

  • large

    Lotions & creams are used on ______ areas.

  • small

    Ointments are used on ______ areas.

  • decapsulate 75mg into 15 ml of water, stir, administer: 6ml to 5 yo, 5 ml to 2 yo; twice daily for 5 days

    What are the steps for reconstituting Oseltamivir?

  • acute angina; sublingual

    What is the indication for Nitrostat? How is it taken?

  • pain in cancer patients; buccal

    What is the indication for Fentora? How is it taken?

  • a,d

    Which are orally disintegrating tablets?

    a) zofran

    b) bayer

    c) phenytoin

    d) reglan

  • vaginal; post-menopausal changes

    Vagifem is a _____tablet; it is indicated for ________.

  • steroids; contraceptives

    Tablet implants are generally used for _______& _________.

  • cambia

    -powdered form of diclofenac

    -used to treat migraines

    -mix in 1-2 ml of water

  • onzetra xsail

    -powdered form of sumatriptan

    -administered nasally

  • inbrija

    -powdered form of levodopa

    -used for off periods in parkinson's disease

    -uses arcus oral inhaler

  • sandimmune

    Cyclosporine was originally formulated in an oil-based product called _______.

  • neoral

    -emulsified form of cyclosporine & sandimmune w better bioavailability and less erratic oral absorption.

  • acts on t-lymphocytes

    Neoral MOA?

  • red blood

    Neoral has a binding affinity for ______cells

  • CYP450 3A

    What enzyme is responsible for metabolizing neoral?

  • ketoconazole

    ____________ can interfere with Neoral and cause serum levels to be increased; resulting in lower doses to be used.

  • HPLC

    What kind of assay do we use with Neoral?

  • shake bottle before and after adding water

    When do we shake the bottle of azithromycin?

  • 10 days

    How long is Azithromycin good for?

  • 5-30 celsius

    What temperature do we keep azithromycin at?

  • with or without food

    How is azithromycin to be taken in regards to food?