2017-07-29T12:03:16+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true 338 Budrosa, 347 Pariana, 369 Aëria, 382 Dodona, 201 Penelope, 216 Kleopatra, 22 Kalliope, 224 Oceana, 497 Iva, 498 Tokio, 516 Amherstia, 558 Carmen, 69 Hesperia, 75 Eurydike, 125 Liberatrix, 129 Antigone, 132 Aethra, 135 Hertha, 97 Klotho, 136 Austria, 55 Pandora, 16 Psyche, 21 Lutetia, 161 Athor, 250 Bettina, 413 Edburga, 418 Alemannia, 441 Bathilde, 798 Ruth, 931 Whittemora, 325 Heidelberga, 110 Lydia, 849 Ara, 755 Quintilla, 785 Zwetana, 860 Ursina, 872 Holda flashcards
M-type asteroids (Tholen)

M-type asteroids (Tholen)

  • 338 Budrosa
    338 Budrosa is a large Main belt asteroid.
  • 347 Pariana
    347 Pariana is a large Main belt asteroid.
  • 369 Aëria
    369 Aëria is a large asteroid residing in the asteroid belt that was discovered by the French astronomer A.
  • 382 Dodona
    382 Dodona is a large Main belt asteroid that was discovered by the French astronomer Auguste Charlois on January 29, 1894 in Nice.
  • 201 Penelope
    201 Penelope is a large main belt asteroid that was discovered by Austrian astronomer Johann Palisa on August 7, 1879 in Pola.
  • 216 Kleopatra
    216 Kleopatra (/ˌkliːəˈpætrə, -ˈpɑː-, -ˈpeɪ-/) is an asteroid orbiting in the asteroid belt.
  • 22 Kalliope
    22 Kalliope is a large M-type asteroid from the asteroid belt discovered by J.
  • 224 Oceana
    224 Oceana is an asteroid from the asteroid belt.
  • 497 Iva
    497 Iva is a main-belt asteroid orbiting the Sun, not to be confused with 1627 Ivar.
  • 498 Tokio
    498 Tokio (1902 KU) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on December 2, 1902 by Auguste Charlois at the Nice Observatory.
  • 516 Amherstia
    516 Amherstia was the 8th asteroid discovered by Raymond Smith Dugan, and was named after Amherst College, his alma mater.
  • 558 Carmen
    558 Carmen is a minor planet orbiting the Sun.
  • 69 Hesperia
    69 Hesperia (/hɛsˈpɪəriə/ hes-PEER-ee-ə) is a large, M-type main-belt asteroid.
  • 75 Eurydike
    75 Eurydike (/jʊˈrɪdᵻkiː/ ew-RID-i-kee) is a main-belt asteroid.
  • 125 Liberatrix
    125 Liberatrix is a main-belt asteroid.
  • 129 Antigone
    129 Antigone is a large main-belt asteroid.
  • 132 Aethra
    132 Aethra is an M-type main-belt asteroid.
  • 135 Hertha
    135 Hertha is a large main-belt asteroid.
  • 97 Klotho
    97 Klotho (/ˈkloʊθoʊ/ KLOH-thoh) is a fairly large main-belt asteroid.
  • 136 Austria
    136 Austria is a main-belt asteroid that was found by the prolific asteroid discoverer Johann Palisa on March 18, 1874, from the Austrian Naval Observatory in Pola, Istria.
  • 55 Pandora
    55 Pandora is a fairly large and very bright asteroid in the asteroid belt.
  • 16 Psyche
    16 Psyche is one of the ten most-massive asteroids in the asteroid belt.
  • 21 Lutetia
    21 Lutetia is a large asteroid in the asteroid belt of an unusual spectral type.
  • 161 Athor
    161 Athor is an M-type Main belt asteroid that was discovered by James Craig Watson on April 19, 1876, at the Detroit Observatory and named after Hathor, an Egyptian fertility goddess.
  • 250 Bettina
    250 Bettina is a large main belt asteroid that was discovered by Austrian astronomer Johann Palisa on September 3, 1885 in Vienna.
  • 413 Edburga
    413 Edburga is a typical Main belt asteroid.
  • 418 Alemannia
    418 Alemannia, provisional designation 1896 CV, is a metallic asteroid from the inner regions of the asteroid belt, about 34 kilometers in diameter.
  • 441 Bathilde
    441 Bathilde is a large main belt asteroid that was discovered by French astronomer Auguste Charlois on December 8, 1898 in Nice.
  • 798 Ruth
    798 Ruth is a minor planet orbiting the Sun that was discovered by German astronomer Max Wolf on November 21, 1914.
  • 931 Whittemora
    931 Whittemora is a minor planet orbiting the Sun.
  • 325 Heidelberga
    325 Heidelberga is a large Main belt asteroid that was discovered by German astronomer Max Wolf on March 4, 1892 in Heidelberg.
  • 110 Lydia
    110 Lydia is a large belt asteroid with an M-type spectrum, and thus may be metallic in composition, consisting primarily of nickel-iron.
  • 849 Ara
    849 Ara is a minor planet orbiting the Sun.
  • 755 Quintilla
    755 Quintilla is a minor planet orbiting the Sun.
  • 785 Zwetana
    785 Zwetana is a minor planet orbiting the Sun that was discovered by Adam Massinger, an assistant at the Heidelberg Observatory, on March 30, 1914.
  • 860 Ursina
    860 Ursina is a minor planet orbiting the Sun that was discovered in 1917 by German astronomer Max Wolf.
  • 872 Holda
    872 Holda is a minor planet orbiting the Sun.