2024-01-11T19:14:11+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>Vilna</p>, <p>Upper Silesia</p>, <p>Corfu</p>, <p>The Aaland Islands</p>, <p>Bulgaria</p>, <p>The Ruhr</p> flashcards
LON's failures/successes in the 1920s

LON's failures/successes in the 1920s

  • Vilna

    1920: Vilna was appointed capital of the newly formed Lithuania, but most of it's population were Polish. Poland seized it and did not respond to pressures by the league to relinquish it. Failure.

  • Upper Silesia

    1921: was an industrial area. a referendum was held for citizens to choose whether to be ruled by Poland or Germany with inconclusive results. the League suggested dividing the area between the 2 countries which was well accepted. Success.

  • Corfu

    1923: a Greek island, invaded by Italy in response to an Italian diplomat being shot in Greece. the League told Italy to leave and fined Greece. Italy ignored this and demanded compensation from Greece. the LON changed it's mind and agreed the Greece should have to pay and apologise. they obeyed and Italy withdrew. Failure.

  • The Aaland Islands

    1921: Islands sat half-way between Finland and Sweden. they belonged to Finland but wanted to be ruled by Sweden. the LON ruled that the Islands should remain Finnish and all parties agreed. Success.

  • Bulgaria

    1925: faced invasions from Greece following border disputes. LON ordered Greece to withdrew and they obeyed. Success.

  • The Ruhr

    1923: industrial region of Germany. was invaded by France after Germany failed to make their reparations. they started shipping the Ruhr's products back to France and the LON didn't intervene - the USA did, successfully. Failure.