2017-07-30T03:46:29+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true Alternation (linguistics), Conversion (word formation), Grammatical gender, Reduplication, Semitic root, Apophony, Lenition, Dutch grammar, List of diminutives by language, Consonant mutation, Privative, Metaphony, Old Norse morphology, Germanic umlaut flashcards
Linguistic morphology

Linguistic morphology

  • Alternation (linguistics)
    In linguistics, an alternation is the phenomenon of a phoneme or morpheme exhibiting variation in its phonological realization.
  • Conversion (word formation)
    In linguistics, conversion, also called zero derivation, is a kind of word formation involving the creation of a word (of a new word class) from an existing word (of a different word class) without any change in form, which is to say, derivation using only zero.
  • Grammatical gender
    In linguistics, grammatical gender is a specific form of noun-class system in which the division of noun classes forms an agreement system with another aspect of the language, such as adjectives, articles, pronouns, or verbs.
  • Reduplication
    Reduplication in linguistics is a morphological process in which the root or stem of a word (or part of it) or even the whole word is repeated exactly or with a slight change.
  • Semitic root
    The roots of verbs and most nouns in the Semitic languages are characterized as a sequence of consonants or "radicals" (hence the term consonantal root).
  • Apophony
    In linguistics, apophony (also known as ablaut, (vowel) gradation, (vowel) mutation, alternation, internal modification, stem modification, stem alternation, replacive morphology, stem mutation, internal inflection etc.) is the alternation of sounds within a word that indicates grammatical information (often inflectional).
  • Lenition
    In linguistics, lenition is a kind of sound change that alters consonants, making them more sonorous (vowel-like).
  • Dutch grammar
    This article outlines the grammar of the Dutch language, which shares strong similarities with German grammar and also, to a lesser degree, with English grammar.
  • List of diminutives by language
    The following is a list of diminutives by language.
  • Consonant mutation
    Consonant mutation is change in a consonant in a word according to its morphological or syntactic environment.
  • Privative
    A privative, named from Latin privare, "to deprive", is a particle that negates or inverts the value of the stem of the word.
  • Metaphony
    In historical linguistics, metaphony is a general term for a class of sound change in which one vowel in a word is influenced by another in a process of assimilation.
  • Old Norse morphology
    Old Norse has three categories of verb (strong, weak, & present-preterite) and two categories of noun (strong, weak).
  • Germanic umlaut
    The Germanic umlaut (sometimes called i-umlaut or i-mutation) is a type of linguistic umlaut in which a back vowel changes to the associated front vowel (fronting) or a front vowel becomes closer to /i/ (raising) when the following syllable contains /i/, /iː/, or /j/.