2024-03-21T23:32:11+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>The columns of A are also referred to as _______ vectors</p>, <p>What do you call the set of all the possible linear combinations made from the vectors in a set?</p>, <p>What does it mean for an SLE to be inconsistent?</p>, <p>What is the trivial solution?</p>, <p>What is the particular solution of an sle</p>, <p>If Ax = b has a solution p (Ap = b), then all solutions are obtained as _________ where ___ is any solution of Ax = 0</p>, <p>When do you have linear independence?</p>, <p>If there are any free variables after reducing the homogeneous matrix, it has a _______ solution</p>, <p>When is a transformation linear?</p>, <p>T: R^m -&gt; R^n. R^m is the ______ and R^n is the ________</p>, <p>Is every matrix transformation a linear transformation?</p>, <p>Can every transformation be represented as a matrix transformation?</p>, <p>Transformations: T(x) is called the _______</p>, <p>If T: R^m -&gt; R^n is a linear transformation, there is a _______ matrix A such that ___________</p>, <p>Unit vector notation</p>, <p>The basis of a column space is the set of all its __________</p>, <p>Define surjective</p>, <p>Define injective</p>, <p>Iff a linear transformation is injective, then ________</p>, <p>where is the line of symmetry in a symmetric matrix</p>, <p>Notes row operations as matrices E</p>, <p>Conditions for a matrix to be invertible</p>, <p>If A is an nxn invertible matrix, then for every vector b in R^n, the equation Ax = b has ________</p>, <p>(A^-1)^-1 = ______</p>, <p>(if A^-1 and B^-1 exist) (AB)^-1 = _________</p>, <p>Does the order of two matrices affect their product?</p>, <p>basic 2x2 determinant formula</p>, <p>Formula for inverse of a matrix using the determinant</p>, <p>Transpose of a matrix definition (A^T)</p>, <p>(A^T)^-1 = _____</p>, <p>Note: The determinant tells us how the area/volume scales when applying the transformation T defined by matrix A</p>, <p>projv (u) is the projection of _ onto _</p>, <p>formula for orthogonal projection proj v (u)</p>, <p>If a matrix has no free variables, can its determinant be 0?</p>, <p>How to check if a set of vectors form a basis</p>, <p>What is trace(A)</p>, <p>What is trace(A) equal to?</p>, <p>When is a matrix not diagonizable?</p>, <p>steps to orthogonally diagonalize: A = PDP^T</p>, <p>steps to check for injectivity and surjectivity of a linear transformation with given outputs</p>, <p>Conditions to be a subspace </p>, <p>How to find two linearly independent vectors orthogonal to Nul A</p>, <p>Row A is _______ to Nul A</p>, <p>Does doing row operations change the column space?</p>, <p>Does doing row operations change the row space?</p>, <p>Row space is equivalent to Col(__)</p>, <p>How to find the determinant for big matrices when a row has only one nonzero element</p>, <p>Test for orthogonality</p>, <p>Nul(A^T) = _____</p>, <p>Can the basis of a column space be extracted from the RREF?</p> flashcards
Linear Algebra

Linear Algebra

  • The columns of A are also referred to as _______ vectors


  • What do you call the set of all the possible linear combinations made from the vectors in a set?

    The span of those vectors

  • What does it mean for an SLE to be inconsistent?

    It has no solution

  • What is the trivial solution?

    x1, x2, x3.... xₙ all equal 0 for Ax = the 0 vector

  • What is the particular solution of an sle

    The (constant) vector that is independent from any free variables

  • If Ax = b has a solution p (Ap = b), then all solutions are obtained as _________ where ___ is any solution of Ax = 0

    x=p + vₙ, vₙ

  • When do you have linear independence?

    (in homogeneous matrices) When the only solution is the trivial solution // No (column) vector can be expressed as a linear combination of the others

  • If there are any free variables after reducing the homogeneous matrix, it has a _______ solution


  • When is a transformation linear?

    T(u + v) = T(u) + T(v) && T(alpha*u) = alpha*T(u) && T(zero vector) = zero vector

  • T: R^m -> R^n. R^m is the ______ and R^n is the ________

    domain, codomain

  • Is every matrix transformation a linear transformation?


  • Can every transformation be represented as a matrix transformation?


  • Transformations: T(x) is called the _______


  • If T: R^m -> R^n is a linear transformation, there is a _______ matrix A such that ___________

    unique, Ax = T(x) for all x in R^n

  • Unit vector notation

    e₁, e₂, etc. One for each dimension the vector goes in.

  • The basis of a column space is the set of all its __________

    linearly independent (pivot) columns

  • Define surjective

    aka "onto" - every vector b in R^m is the image of at least one vector x in R^n

  • Define injective

    aka one-to-one - every vector b in R^m is the image of at most one vector x in R^n

  • Iff a linear transformation is injective, then ________

    T(x) = 0 vector has the trivial solution

  • where is the line of symmetry in a symmetric matrix

    along the diagonal from the top left to the bottom right (same as the 1s in I)

  • Notes row operations as matrices E

  • Conditions for a matrix to be invertible

    Determinant !=0; A must be a square matrix, and have no free variables (rref = I, only solution to homogeneous is the trivial solution)

  • If A is an nxn invertible matrix, then for every vector b in R^n, the equation Ax = b has ________

    the unique solution x = A^-1 b

  • (A^-1)^-1 = ______


  • (if A^-1 and B^-1 exist) (AB)^-1 = _________

    (B ^ -1)(A^-1)

  • Does the order of two matrices affect their product?


  • basic 2x2 determinant formula

    ad - bc

  • Formula for inverse of a matrix using the determinant

    (1/|A|) [d, -b//-c, a] (// = new row)

  • Transpose of a matrix definition (A^T)

    flipping the matrix on its diagonal (top left to bottom right), or switching the rows with the columns

  • (A^T)^-1 = _____


  • Note: The determinant tells us how the area/volume scales when applying the transformation T defined by matrix A

    T(e1) = Ae1 = first column of A, and so on

  • projv (u) is the projection of _ onto _

    u,v (it lies along v, and the difference vector is perpendicular to u)

  • formula for orthogonal projection proj v (u)


  • If a matrix has no free variables, can its determinant be 0?


  • How to check if a set of vectors form a basis

    Put them as columns in a matrix, check for linear independence (check if the determinant isnt zero);

  • What is trace(A)

    The sum of its diagonal elements

  • What is trace(A) equal to?

    The sum of its eigenvalues.

  • When is a matrix not diagonizable?

    The number of dimensions of the eigenspace of any eigenvalue is lower than its multiplicity

  • steps to orthogonally diagonalize: A = PDP^T

    Find the eigenvectors. Check if they are orthogonal. Orthogonally project the vectors that are not orthogonal to another, then find the perpendicular component (the difference between the projection and the projected vector). Normalize all the vectors.

  • steps to check for injectivity and surjectivity of a linear transformation with given outputs

    Apply the transformations to the column vectors of I, using the properties of linear transformations. Combine these two vectors into a single matrix. If there is a pivot in every column, the matrix is injective. If there is a pivot in every row, the matrix is surjective.

  • Conditions to be a subspace

  • How to find two linearly independent vectors orthogonal to Nul A

    get RREF, select two rows with pivots as vectors

  • Row A is _______ to Nul A

    perpendicular (orthogonal) (⊥)

  • Does doing row operations change the column space?


  • Does doing row operations change the row space?


  • Row space is equivalent to Col(__)


  • How to find the determinant for big matrices when a row has only one nonzero element

  • Test for orthogonality

    a.b = 0 vector (dot product)

  • Nul(A^T) = _____

    number of rows - col(A^T) = number of rows - row(A)

  • Can the basis of a column space be extracted from the RREF?

    No, as row operations change the column space