2017-07-27T22:19:09+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true Christian left, Digital rights, Georgism, National liberalism, Free market, Meritocracy, Monetarism, Neoclassical economics, Parliamentary system, United States Bill of Rights, Right to life, Neoliberalism, Social liberalism, Conservative liberalism, Liberal conservatism, Deregulation, Equal opportunity, Liberal socialism, Regressive left, Frankfurter Zeitung, Liberal religion, Liberalism (international relations), Modern liberalism in the United States, Cultural liberalism flashcards


  • Christian left
    The term Christian left refers to a spectrum of left-wing Christian political and social movements that largely embrace viewpoints described as social justice that upholds a social gospel.
  • Digital rights
    The term digital rights describes the human rights that allow individuals to access, use, create, and publish digital media or to access and use computers, other electronic devices, or communications networks.
  • Georgism
    Georgism (also known as geoism and geonomics) is an economic philosophy (named after Henry George) that the economic value derived from land, including natural resources and natural opportunities, should belong equally to all residents of a community, but that people should own the value that they produce themselves.
  • National liberalism
    National liberalism is a variant of liberalism, combining nationalism with some liberal policies, especially regarding education, state-church relations and modern, efficient, bureaucratic management.
  • Free market
    A free market is a system in which the prices for goods and services are determined by the open market and consumers, in which the laws and forces of supply and demand are free from any intervention by a government, price-setting monopoly, or other authority.
  • Meritocracy
    Meritocracy (merit, from Latin mereō "I earn" and -cracy, from Ancient Greek κράτος kratos "strength, power") is a political philosophy holding that power should be vested in individuals almost exclusively based on ability and talent.
  • Monetarism
    Monetarism is a school of thought in monetary economics that emphasizes the role of governments in controlling the amount of money in circulation.
  • Neoclassical economics
    Neoclassical economics is a set of solutions to economics focusing on the determination of goods, outputs, and income distributions in markets through supply and demand.
  • Parliamentary system
    A parliamentary system is a system of democratic governance of a state where the executive branch derives its democratic legitimacy from the legislature (parliament) and is also held accountable to that legislature.
  • United States Bill of Rights
    The Bill of Rights is the collective name for the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution.
  • Right to life
    The right to life is a moral principle based on the belief that a human being has the right to live and, in particular, should not be killed by another human being.
  • Neoliberalism
    Neoliberalism (neo-liberalism) refers primarily to the 20th century resurgence of 19th century ideas associated with laissez-faire economic liberalism.
  • Social liberalism
    Social liberalism is a political ideology that seeks to find a balance between individual liberty and social justice.
  • Conservative liberalism
    Conservative liberalism is a variant of liberalism, combining liberal values and policies with conservative stances, or, more simply, representing the right wing of the liberal movement.
  • Liberal conservatism
    Liberal conservatism is a political ideology combining conservative policies with liberal stances, especially on economic and social issues, or a brand of political conservatism strongly influenced by liberalism.
  • Deregulation
    Deregulation is the process of removing or reducing state regulations, typically in the economic sphere.
  • Equal opportunity
    Equal opportunity is a stipulation that all people should be treated similarly, unhampered by artificial barriers or prejudices or preferences, except when particular distinctions can be explicitly justified.
  • Liberal socialism
    Liberal socialism is a socialist political philosophy that includes liberal principles within it.
  • Regressive left
    The regressive left (also sometimes referred to as regressive liberals) is a political epithet used to negatively characterize a section of left-wing politics which is accused of paradoxically holding reactionary views due to its tolerance of illiberal principles and ideologies (such as extremist Islamism) for the sake of multiculturalism and cultural relativism.
  • Frankfurter Zeitung
    The Frankfurter Zeitung (German: [ˈfʁaŋkfʊɐ̯tɐ ˈt͡saɪtʊŋ]) was a German language newspaper that appeared from 1856 to 1943.
  • Liberal religion
    Liberal religion is a religious tradition which embraces the theological diversity of a congregation rather than following a single creed, authority, or writing.
  • Liberalism (international relations)
    Liberalism is a school of thought within international relations theory which can be thought to revolve around three interrelated principles: 1.
  • Modern liberalism in the United States
    Modern American liberalism is the dominant version of liberalism in the United States.
  • Cultural liberalism
    Cultural liberalism is a liberal view of society that stresses the freedom of individuals from cultural norms.