2023-06-14T21:00:37+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true How is John to get to 'Atele, He will go on a bicycle, How did you come from America, I came by plane, Did you come on foot, I came by truck, How did the children go, They went in a cart, How did David come from Mu'a, He came by truck from there, How does the teacher get to town, He goes by bike, I'm going back by boat, How will Peni come from Fiji, He will come by plane flashcards
Lesson 46 - Ha

Lesson 46 - Ha

  • How is John to get to 'Atele
    'E 'alu hā 'a Sione ki 'Atele
  • He will go on a bicycle
    'E 'alu pasikala
  • How did you come from America
    Na'a ke ha'u hā mei 'Amelika
  • I came by plane
    Na'a ku ha'u vakapuna
  • Did you come on foot
    Na'a ke ha'u lalo
  • I came by truck
    Na'a ku ha'u loli
  • How did the children go
    Na'e ō hā e tamaiki
  • They went in a cart
    Na'a nau ō sāliote
  • How did David come from Mu'a
    Na'e ha'u hā 'a Tevita mei Mu'a
  • He came by truck from there
    Na'e ha'u loli mei ai
  • How does the teacher get to town
    'Oku 'alu hā e faiako ki kolo
  • He goes by bike
    'Oku 'alu pasikala
  • I'm going back by boat
    Te u foki vaka
  • How will Peni come from Fiji
    'E ha'u hā 'a Peni mei Fisi
  • He will come by plane
    'E ha'u vakapuna