2017-07-27T19:29:23+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true Eye for an eye, Pogrom, Sodomy law, Twelve Tables, Apologia, Collective responsibility, Danelaw, German Historical School, Cyfraith Hywel, Oath, Sanhedrin, Brigandage, Inquisitorial system, Common land, Scaffold (execution site), Town privileges, Merism, Legal history of China, Intestacy, Legal history of the Catholic Church, Apage, Bill of attainder, Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy flashcards
Legal history

Legal history

  • Eye for an eye
    "An eye for an eye", or the law of retaliation, is the principle that a person who has injured another person is to be penalized to a similar degree, or in softer interpretations, the victim receives the [estimated] value of the injury in compensation.
  • Pogrom
    A pogrom is a violent riot aimed at the massacre or persecution of an ethnic or religious group, particularly one aimed at Jews.
  • Sodomy law
    A sodomy law is a law that defines certain sexual acts as crimes.
  • Twelve Tables
    According to Roman tradition, the Law of the Twelve Tables (Latin: Leges Duodecim Tabularum or Duodecim Tabulae) was the legislation that stood at the foundation of Roman law.
  • Apologia
    Apologia (from Greek ἀπολογία, "speaking in defense") is a formal defense of a position or action.
  • Collective responsibility
    Collective responsibility also known as collective guilt is a concept in which individuals are responsible for other people's actions by tolerating, ignoring, or harboring them, without actively collaborating in these actions.
  • Danelaw
    The Danelaw (also known as the Danelagh; Old English: Dena lagu; Danish: Danelagen), as recorded in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, is a historical name given to the part of England in which the laws of the Danes held sway and dominated those of the Anglo-Saxons.
  • German Historical School
    The German Historical School of Jurisprudence is a 19th-century intellectual movement in the study of German law.
  • Cyfraith Hywel
    Cyfraith Hywel (Welsh: [ˈkəvraiθ ˈhəwɛl]; Laws of Hywel), also known as Welsh law (Latin: Leges Walliæ ), was the system of law practised in medieval Wales before its final conquest by England.
  • Oath
    Traditionally an oath (from Anglo-Saxon āð, also called plight) is either a statement of fact or a promise with wording relating to something considered sacred as a sign of verity.
  • Sanhedrin
    The Sanhedrin (Hebrew: סַנְהֶדְרִין sanhedrîn, Greek: Συνέδριον, synedrion, "sitting together," hence "assembly" or "council") was an assembly of twenty-three to seventy-one men appointed in every city in the Land of Israel.
  • Brigandage
    Brigandage refers to the life and practice of brigands: highway robbery and plunder.
  • Inquisitorial system
    An inquisitorial system is a legal system where the court or a part of the court is actively involved in investigating the facts of the case, as opposed to an adversarial system where the role of the court is primarily that of an impartial referee between the prosecution and the defense.
  • Common land
    Common land is land owned collectively by a number of persons, or by one person, but over which other people have certain traditional rights, such as to allow their livestock to graze upon it, to collect firewood, or to cut turf for fuel.
  • Scaffold (execution site)
    A scaffold (French: échafaud, German: Schafott) is a raised, stage-like site for public executions.
  • Town privileges
    Town privileges or borough rights were important features of European towns during most of the second millennium.
  • Merism
    In law, a merism is a figure of speech by which a single thing is referred to by a conventional phrase that enumerates several of its parts, or which lists several synonyms for the same thing.
  • Legal history of China
    The origin of the current law of the People's Republic of China can be traced back to the period of the early 1930s, during the establishment of the Chinese Soviet Republic.
  • Intestacy
    Intestacy is the condition of the estate of a person who dies without having made a valid will or other binding declaration.
  • Legal history of the Catholic Church
    The legal history of the Catholic Church is the history of the oldest continuously functioning legal system in the West much later than Roman law but predating the evolution of modern European civil law traditions.
  • Apage
    Apage is an Ancient Greek word (ἄπαγε, Imperative of ἀπάγω, “lead away”) and means: * In Ancient Greek an annoyed exclamation: Pack off!, Away with you! or as the phrase Ἄπαγε ἐς μακαρίαν ἐκποδῶν: Damn you!.
  • Bill of attainder
    A bill of attainder (also known as an act of attainder or writ of attainder or bill of pains and penalties) is an act of a legislature declaring a person or group of persons guilty of some crime and punishing them, often without a trial.
  • Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy
    "Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy" is one of the Ten Commandments found in the Hebrew Bible.