2023-12-02T04:59:50+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>what is the OIIQ's mission?</p>, <p>what is Quebec's Professional Code?</p>, <p>in order to regulate practice, what is the OIIQ required to do?</p>, <p>what do the Quebec Professional Code do for nursing?</p>, <p>what is Quebec's Nurse's Act?</p>, <p>what legislates nursing?</p>, <p>what are some excerpts of Charter of rights + freedoms?</p>, <p>what are some excerpts of civil code of quebec?</p>, <p>what are some excerpts of the act respecting health services and social services?</p>, <p>what are some excerpts of the organization and management of institutions regulation?</p>, <p>what are some excerpts of the youth protection act quebec?</p>, <p>what does autonomy mean?</p>, <p>what does beneficence mean?</p>, <p>what does non-maleficence mean?</p>, <p>what does justice mean?</p>, <p>what is the code of ethics of nursing quebec?</p>, <p>what is professionalism?</p>, <p>what serve as the pillars for the different divisions of the code of ethics of nurses and define the resulting professional duties and obligations?</p>, <p>what are the 7 values of the code of ethics of nursing?</p>, <p>explain integrity</p>, <p>explain respect for the client</p>, <p>explain professional autonomy</p>, <p>explain professional competence</p>, <p>explain excellence in care</p>, <p>explain professional collaboration</p>, <p>explain humanity</p>, <p>what are the 10 divisions of the code of ethics?</p>, <p>what are excerpts from division I</p>, <p>what are excerpts from division I</p>, <p>what are excerpts from division II</p>, <p>what are excerpts from division II</p>, <p>what are excerpts from division III</p>, <p>what are excerpts from division III</p>, <p>what does the OIIQ le conseil de discipline do?</p>, <p>what is professional liability?</p>, <p>what is negligence?</p>, <p>what are some things to know about nursing + social media?</p> flashcards
lecture 6: legal + ethical issues, image of nursing

lecture 6: legal + ethical issues, image of nursing

  • what is the OIIQ's mission?

    assurer la protection du public par et avec les infirmiers tout en veillant a l'amelioration de la santé des quebecois

  • what is Quebec's Professional Code?

    Quebec law that governs professional system in Quebec

  • in order to regulate practice, what is the OIIQ required to do?

    establish professional inspection committee

    set up disciplinary process

    draw up code of ethics

  • what do the Quebec Professional Code do for nursing?

    helps define the practice of nursing within the professional system

    identifies obligations for OIIQ and nurses

  • what is Quebec's Nurse's Act?

    The practice of nursing consists in assessing health, determining and carrying out the nursing care and treatment plan, providing nursing and medical care and treatment in order to maintain and restore the health of a person in interaction with his environment and prevent illness, and providing palliative care.

    there is a whole list of activities "reserved" to nursing

  • what legislates nursing?

    professional code

    nurses act

    quebec charter rights + freedoms

    civil code of quebec

    act respecting health services and social services

    organization and management of institutions regulation

    youth protection act

    more laws

  • what are some excerpts of Charter of rights + freedoms?

    every human being who's life is in peril has a right to assistance

    every person has a right to non-disclosure of confidential information

  • what are some excerpts of civil code of quebec?

    no person may be made to undergo care of any nature, whether for examination, specimen taking, removal of tissue, Tx except with consent

    consent to care required by state of health of a minor (<14) is given by person having parental authority

    no person may be confined in a health or social services institution for a psychiatric assessment without consent or without authorization by law or the court

  • what are some excerpts of the act respecting health services and social services?

    No person may be made to undergo care of any nature, whether for examination, specimen taking, treatment or any other intervention, except with his consent.

    The record of a user is confidential and no person may have access to it except with the consent of the user or the person qualified to give consent on his behalf. Information contained in a user’s record may, however, be communicated without the user’s consent......

    Force, isolation, mechanical means or chemicals may not be used to place a person under control in an installation maintained by an institution except to prevent the person from inflicting harm upon himself or others. The use of such means must be minimal and resorted to only exceptionally, and must be appropriate having regard to the person's physical and mental state.

  • what are some excerpts of the organization and management of institutions regulation?

    Every institution shall keep an individual record for each beneficiary who obtains services from it

    The consent of a beneficiary or his legal representative to anesthesia or surgery shall be supported by a written document signed by the beneficiary or his legal representative specifying that the beneficiary has obtained appropriate information particularly about possible risks or effects. The document must be countersigned by the attending physician or dentist and be preserved in the beneficiary’s record

  • what are some excerpts of the youth protection act quebec?

    Every professional who, by the very nature of his profession, provides care or any other form of assistance to children and who, in the practice of his profession, has reasonable grounds to believe that the security or development of a child is or may be considered to be in danger, must bring the situation to the attention of the director without delay. The same obligation is incumbent upon any employee of an institution, any teacher, any person working in a childcare establishment or any policeman who, in the performance of his duties, has reasonable grounds to believe that the security or development of a child is or may be considered to be in danger within the meaning of the said provisions. .....

  • what does autonomy mean?

    pt have the right to make their own decision based on their own beliefs and values

  • what does beneficence mean?

    healthcare workers have an obligation to refrain from maltreatment, minimize and prevent harm, intent of doing good

  • what does non-maleficence mean?

    pt have a right to no harm

  • what does justice mean?

    all pt have a right to be treated fair and equally

  • what is the code of ethics of nursing quebec?

    a keystone of the order's professional legislation

    serves as a guide for nurses and imposes general and specific duties and obligations toward the public, clients and the profession, in order to protect the public and regulate unacceptable conduct within the profession

  • what is professionalism?

    adhering to the ethics, rules and regulations that govern the profession

  • what serve as the pillars for the different divisions of the code of ethics of nurses and define the resulting professional duties and obligations?


  • what are the 7 values of the code of ethics of nursing?


    respect for the client

    professional autonomy

    professional competence

    excellence in care

    professional collaboration


  • explain integrity

    refers to honesty and truthfulness - it transcends all dimensions of the practice of the profession and is the cornerstone of nurses' professional ethics

  • explain respect for the client

    establishing and maintaining a relationship of trust, and recognizing the client's uniqueness, right to privacy and decision-making autonomy, as expressed in his or her right to make choices and to be informed

  • explain professional autonomy

    relates to nurses' ability to make objective and independent decisions in the client's interest, and to be accountable and responsible for them

  • explain professional competence

    refers to nurses' responsibility to maintain and update their knowledge and skills to take account of evidence-based data and best practices - also means nurses' ability to recognize and respect their limits in practising the profession

  • explain excellence in care

    is the raison d'être of the nursing profession, and reflects the importance accorded to human life - ensure the well-being and security of clients of every age, at every stage, and is the ultimate goal of the nursing profession

  • explain professional collaboration

    reflects the importance of acting in partnership with other professionals and individuals involved, so as to ensure and optimize the quality and security of care and services for clients

  • explain humanity

    means showing generosity, tolerance, solidarity in dealing with others - show empathy and recognize others' uniqueness

  • what are the 10 divisions of the code of ethics?

    I: duties inherent to the practice of the profession

    II: relationship between nurses and client

    III: quality of care and services

    IV: relations with persons with whom the nurse interacts in the practice of the profession

    V: relations with the order

    VI: determination and payment fees

    VII: conditions and procedures for the exercise of the client's rights of access and correction of information contained in records established in respect of him or her

    VIII: conditions, obligations and prohibitions relating to advertising

    IX: professions, trades, industries, businesses, offices or duties incompatible with the dignity or practice of the profession

    X: graphic symbol of the order

  • what are excerpts from division I


    1. nurse shall come to aid of anyone whose life is in peril,except in the event of danger to the nurse or a third party, or unless the nurse has another valid reason.

    2. A nurse may not refuse to provide professional services to a person on the basis of race, colour, sex...

    • However,may refer the client to another nurse.

  • what are excerpts from division I


    12. A nurse shall report any incident or accident

    13. A nurse shall not appropriate medications or other substances,


    17. the nurse shall take into consideration the limits of her or his knowledge and skills.

    18. A nurse shall practise his profession in accordance with accepted standards of practice and scientific principles. he shall update and develop his professional knowledge and skills.

  • what are excerpts from division II


    28. A nurse shall seek to establish and maintain a relationship of trust

    29. A nurse shall act respectfully toward the client

    30. A nurse shall respect the pt's values and personal convictions.

  • what are excerpts from division II


    31. A nurse shall abide by the rules set forth in the Professional Code in regard to the obligation to preserve the secrecy of confidential info

    31.2. he shall preserve the professional secrecy of each member of the couple or family.

    36. A nurse shall not hold or participate in indiscreet conversations, including on social networks, concerning a pt


    37. NO physical, verbal or psychological abuse against the client.

    38. a nurse may not establish a personal friendship or an intimate, amorous or sexual relationship with the client.

  • what are excerpts from division III


    40. A nurse shall provide his client with all the explanations necessary for the pt comprehension of the care

    41. to obtain a free and enlightened consent, he shall:

    (1) provide the client with all the info required for that purpose;

    (2) ensure that the pt consent remains free and informed

    (3) respect the pt right to revoke his consent at any time.


    42. a nurse shall take reasonable measures to ensure the safety of clients

  • what are excerpts from division III

    44. A nurse shall not be negligent in the care and treatment provided to the client

    perform the assessment required by the pt state of health;

    intervene promptly when the pt state of health so requires;

    ensure the clinical monitoring and follow-up required by the pt state of health;

    take reasonable action to ensure continuity of care and treatment.

    45. A nurse shall not be negligent when administering or adjusting medication or other substances. a nurse shall have sufficient knowledge of the medication

    46. A nurse may not refuse to collaborate with health professionals engaged in providing care

  • what does the OIIQ le conseil de discipline do?

    reviews complaints

    investigated by syndic

    makes decisions/imposes sanctions

  • what is professional liability?

    the legal responsibility of a professional to pay for damage, harm or loss that they cause while practicing their profession

    nurses are covered against any fault or negligence by the professional liability insurance program (OIIQ - pay annual fees)

  • what is negligence?

    failure to take proper care in doing something, resulting in damage/injury

  • what are some things to know about nursing + social media?

    - unprofessional to post any info/photos/comments about pt or clinical institution

    - students are not to become "friends" with their pt

    - never discriminate (includes liking things)

    - conduct yourself online like you would in public