2023-11-30T18:51:15+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>what is compassion?</p>, <p>what is empathy?</p>, <p>what is sympathy?</p>, <p>what is person centered communication?</p>, <p>what are close ended questions?</p>, <p>what are 8 active listening responses?</p>, <p>what are 5 negative listening responses?</p>, <p>what are 4 common errors in communication?</p>, <p>what are some tips for communication?</p>, <p>what are 4 phases of therapeutic relationship?</p> flashcards
lecture 3: clinical conversations

lecture 3: clinical conversations

  • what is compassion?

    the daily practice of recognizing and accepting our shared humanity so that we treat ourselves and others with loving kindness, and we take action in the face of suffering

  • what is empathy?

    understanding what someone is feeling, not feeling it for them

    allows us to understand what someone is experiencing and to reflect back that understanding

    it is not about relating to an experience, it's connecting to what someone is feeling about an experience

  • what is sympathy?

    feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune

  • what is person centered communication?

    person/fam at centre of care and decision making

    focus not only 1 health issues also on social care: culture, values, family, diversity, environment, social economic status, lifestyles

    connecting with person to improve health outcomes

    nurses inform, support, care, educate, empower

  • what are close ended questions?

    narrow focus, single answer

    assessment (I.e., do u have any allergies?)

    useful in emergency - obtain info quickly

  • what are 8 active listening responses?

    minimal cues and leads - body actions, words "mhm", "go on"

    clarification - "can you give me an example"

    restatement - "are you saying that [what they said]"


    reflection - "it sounds like you feel like this because"

    summarizing - "let's go over it"


    touch - rubbing arm

  • what are 5 negative listening responses?

    false reassurance - "it will be okay", "don't worry"

    giving advice - "if I were you I would"

    false interferences - "what you really mean is"

    moralizing - "it is wrong not to have the surgery"

    value judgements - "I'm glad you decided for the surgery"

  • what are 4 common errors in communication?

    "why" questions may make pt feel like he is being judged - "why did u not call 911 earlier"

    "leading questions" may suggest how pt should be feeling - "do you think migraines are due to your stress?"

    negative phrasing - "you are not worried are you?"

    unfamiliar language - "your ECG shows tachycardia"

  • what are some tips for communication?

    introduce yourself always

    inform pt when you are going on breaks

    say goodbye at end of shift

    introduce yourself to visitors

  • what are 4 phases of therapeutic relationship?

    pre-interaction phase: review info already gotten, may involve planning, may involve dealing with feelings related to interaction (anxiety)

    introductory phase: get to know pt, explore pt situation, develop trust, nurses make pt feel understood and respected

    working phase: exploring + understanding thought/feelings, facilitating and taking action - establish goals + working towards them together

    termination phase: saying goodbye, pt may have feelings of loss, sharing feelings about termination openly and honestly