2023-11-29T22:19:57+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>what are the 2 parts of work of nursing?</p>, <p>explain doing</p>, <p>explain being</p>, <p>why are relationships so critical to nursing?</p>, <p>what is being in SBN approach?</p>, <p>what is caring?</p>, <p>what does communication connect people + ideas through?</p>, <p>who has interpersonal communications in healthcare settings?</p>, <p>how does effective interpersonal communication impact quality of care?</p>, <p>what is therapeutic communication?</p>, <p>what is a therapeutic relationship?</p>, <p>what are the 3 elements to building a connection with a patient?</p>, <p>what are the 3 As of therapeutic relationships?</p>, <p>explain Attunement and Awareness</p>, <p>explain Authentic presence</p>, <p>explain Authentic listening </p>, <p>what is Attunement?</p>, <p>what are the best practice guidelines of establishing therapeutic relationships?</p>, <p>what is a clinical conversation?</p>, <p>why should you use open ended questions</p>, <p>what are 4 types of questions in SBN?</p>, <p>give question examples for health and healing value</p>, <p>give question examples for uniqueness value</p>, <p>give question examples for holism and embodiment value</p>, <p>give question examples for reality + created meaning value</p>, <p>give question examples for environment value</p>, <p>give question examples for self-determination value</p>, <p>give question examples for collaborative partnership value</p>, <p>give question examples for learning value</p> flashcards
lecture 2: therapeutic relationships

lecture 2: therapeutic relationships

  • what are the 2 parts of work of nursing?

    doing + being

  • explain doing

    tasks, procedures, assessments

    visible + measurable

  • explain being

    relational profession in which nurse and pt enter into partnership

    skills of being

    heart of nursing

    art of nursing

  • why are relationships so critical to nursing?

    nursing is a relational phenomenon because everything a nurse sees, does and experiences arises from relationship

  • what is being in SBN approach?

    the way nurse is with pt

    the way nurse engages, connect and is involved with pt

    giving the other voice

    being committed to and caring for another with compassion, respect and dignity

  • what is caring?

    creating conditions that fosters a persons growth and development

  • what does communication connect people + ideas through?

    words, nonverbal behaviours + actions

  • who has interpersonal communications in healthcare settings?



    staff (I.e., security)

    healthcare pros

  • how does effective interpersonal communication impact quality of care?

    helps develop a collaborative care partnership

    better understanding of person + situation

    identify health issues + earlier recognition

    helps create individualized plan

  • what is therapeutic communication?

    dynamic process entered into by health care providers, with the person and significant others for purpose of achieving health-related goals

    encompasses many skills; both verbal + nonverbal

    helps pt meet goals + places them in better condition to heal

  • what is a therapeutic relationship?

    a type of social involvement that the nurse creates with pt to help promote health, help them deal with suffering, recover and facilitate self-healing

    connecting with person through knowing them

  • what are the 3 elements to building a connection with a patient?

    mutual attentiveness - attend to others concerns + communicate understanding

    positivity - focus on strengths

    coordination - tailoring ur response to the other in a way that respects and matches their individual

  • what are the 3 As of therapeutic relationships?

    Attunement and Awareness

    Authentic presence

    Authentic listening

  • explain Attunement and Awareness

    nurse + pt are attuned to one another's thoughts + feelings and are responding in ways that are in sync

    become a sharp observer + attentive listener

    being aware of our thoughts and feelings and effects that we may have on others

  • explain Authentic presence

    being fully present (mentally + physically)

    communicating our interest in pt via our verbal + nonverbal

    adopting stance of a learning (respect + humility)

  • explain Authentic listening

    being fully present

    adapting an unhurried stance

    listening for underlying message, stated or not

    being comfortable with silence

    not interrupting

    use open ended questions

  • what is Attunement?

    how reactive a person is to another's emotional needs and moods

    well attuned = will respond with appropriate language and behaviours based on another person's emotional state

  • what are the best practice guidelines of establishing therapeutic relationships?

    its purposeful directed at advancing the best interest + outcome of pt

    requires reflective practice: self awareness, self knowledge, empathy

    awareness of boundaries + limits of professional role: focus on pt, health related, involve thought/reflection, avoid disclosing personal info

    must place clients needs before his own needs

  • what is a clinical conversation?

    can be brief or long, can have many forms (discussion, interview)

    getting to know ur pt so that u can deliver appropriate care

    clinical inquiry: gathering relevant info that will inform interventions, monitoring pt situation

    opportunity for nurses to promote health, alleviate suffering, and promote healing

  • why should you use open ended questions

    it facilitates dialogue, helps with getting to know pt

  • what are 4 types of questions in SBN?

    focused: when did this start? what makes it better/worse? what have you done?

    clarification: I am not sure what you mean, can you describe it further?

    elaboration: did anything else happen when you tried this?

    circular: differences (can you help me understand how this is different from the last time?), hypothetical (if you could change one thing what would it be?), future oriented (what are you hoping you will achieve?)

  • give question examples for health and healing value

    how would you describe your health at the moment?

    are there things about your current state of health you wish were different?

    what kind of things do you do to help you feel better?

  • give question examples for uniqueness value

    is this the first time you've experienced this health concern?

    what concerns you the most?

    tell me how you typically respond to this treatment.

  • give question examples for holism and embodiment value

    do you see yourself differently since you've been experiencing this health concern?

    how is your health concern affecting your mood?

    do you see yourself differently since you've been experiencing this health concern?

  • give question examples for reality + created meaning value

    tell me how you see this situation. what do you think is contributing to your health concern?

    help me understand how your health concern is impacting your daily life.

  • give question examples for environment value

    how is your workplace impacting your health concern? what makes it better/worse?

    how are your health concerns affecting how you function within your family?

    how is your family being affected by your health concern?

  • give question examples for self-determination value

    what decisions are you considering related to your health concern?

    what info would help you with making your decision?

    what do you think is possible for you to try?

  • give question examples for collaborative partnership value

    tell me how I can be of most help. what's been most helpful in the past?

    share with me what you would like to see happen in the future

  • give question examples for learning value

    is this a good time to find ways of addressing this health concern?

    what info would you like to know at this time?