2024-04-14T17:43:47+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>Extraction operator</p>, <p>setw and setprecision are manipulators provided by the</p>, <p>This manipulator sets the width of the field in which subsequent output is displayed. It is often used to align output in columns</p>, <p>This manipulator sets the precision of floating-point numbers when they are</p><p>displayed. It determines the number of digits to be displayed after the decimal point.</p> flashcards
Lecture 12

Lecture 12

  • Extraction operator


  • setw and setprecision are manipulators provided by the

    iomanip library

  • This manipulator sets the width of the field in which subsequent output is displayed. It is often used to align output in columns

    setw manipulator

  • This manipulator sets the precision of floating-point numbers when they are

    displayed. It determines the number of digits to be displayed after the decimal point.

    setprecision Manipulator