2024-03-12T01:06:10+03:00[Europe/Moscow] la true veniō, venire, vēnī, ventum, perveniō, pervenire, pervēnī, perventum, videō, vidēre, vīdī, vīsum, dō, dare, dedī, datum, dicō, dīcere, dīxī, dictum, dūcō, dūcere, dūxī, ductum, tradūcō, tradūcere, tradūxī, traductum, pōnō, pōnere, posuī, positum, depōnō, depōnere, deposuī, depositum, mittō, mittere, mīsī, missum, dimittō, dimittere, dimīsī, dimissum, sum, esse, fuī, futūrus, fīlius, fīliī, m, cōnsilium, cōnsiliī n, animus, animī m, anima, animae f, virtus, virtūtis f, vir, virī m, <p>imperātor,ōris m. </p>, pater, patris, m, <p>patria,ae f</p>, cīvis, cīvis m / f, rēx, rēgis m, <p>annus,ī m </p>, <p>bellum,ī n</p>, exercitus, exercitūs m, <p>pugna,ae f</p>, unus, una, unum adj, nullus, nulla, nullum adj, tantus, tanta, tantum, meus, mea, meum, tuus, tua, tuum, suus, sua, suum, multus, multa, multum, magnus, magna, magnum, omnis, omne, pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum, ācer, ācris, ācre, cum + abl (preposition), ad + acc, in + acc, in + abl, ā / ab + abl, post (adv. and prep + acc), sī / nisī, cum (conjunction), ego, nos, tu, vos, Se, Relative pronoun:, is, ea, id, idem, eadem, idem, hic, haec, hoc, ipse, ipsa, ipsum, ille, illa, illum, dubitō, dubitāre, dubitāvī, dubitātum, praestō, praestāre, praestitī, praestitum, dēsistō, desistere, destitī, destitum, antecēdō, antecēdere, antecessī, antecessum, pellō, pellere, pepulī, pulsum, proficīscor, proficīscī, profectus sum**, congredior, congredī, congressus sum, cōnor, cōnārī, conātus sum, possum, posse, potuī*, dēvincō, dēvincere, dēvīcī, dēvictum, faciō, facere, fēcī, factum, reddō, reddere, redidī, redditum, ferō, ferre, tulī, latum*, inferō, inferre, intulī, inlatum*, fore, eō, īre, iī / ivī, itum*, adeō*, volō, velle, voluī*, nēmō, nēminis n., gens, gentis, f, odium, odiī n, hērēditas, hērēditātis, f, <p>cupiditas,ātis, f</p>, <p>voluntas, ātis, f </p>, aetās, aetātis, f, tempus, temporis, n, fides, fideī f, cēterus, cētera, cēterum adj., absēns, absentis adj., utpote, simul, umquam / numquam, autem, ita, ergā (+ acc ), apud (+ acc), interficiō, interficere, interfēcī, interfectum, efficiō, efficere, effēcī, effectum, dēferō, dēferre, dētulī, dēlatum, agō, agere, ēgī, āctum, subigō, subigere, subēgī, subāctum, <p>relinquō, linquere ‒līquī ‒lictum</p>, <p>conflīgō, flīgere ‒flīxī ‒flīctum -</p>, <p>praesum, esse, -fuī</p>, petō, petere, petīvī/petiī, petītum, ūtor ūtī ūsus sum flashcards
Latin word quiz

Latin word quiz

  • veniō, venire, vēnī, ventum
    to come
  • perveniō, pervenire, pervēnī, perventum
    to come through to, arrive at, reach
  • videō, vidēre, vīdī, vīsum
    to see; in passive, to be seen OR to seem
  • dō, dare, dedī, datum
    to give, hand over, pay
  • dicō, dīcere, dīxī, dictum
    to say, tell
  • dūcō, dūcere, dūxī, ductum
    to lead
  • tradūcō, tradūcere, tradūxī, traductum
    to lead over, carry over
  • pōnō, pōnere, posuī, positum
    to put down, lay down
  • depōnō, depōnere, deposuī, depositum
    to put down, lay down
  • mittō, mittere, mīsī, missum
    to send
  • dimittō, dimittere, dimīsī, dimissum
    to send in different directions, dismiss
  • sum, esse, fuī, futūrus
    to be
  • fīlius, fīliī, m
  • cōnsilium, cōnsiliī n
    plan; council, group of advisors
  • animus, animī m
    soul, character
  • anima, animae f
    wind, breath, life
  • virtus, virtūtis f
    excellence, courage, virtue
  • vir, virī m
    man, husband
  • imperātor,ōris m.


  • pater, patris, m
  • patria,ae f


  • cīvis, cīvis m / f
  • rēx, rēgis m
    king, ruler
  • annus,ī m


  • bellum,ī n


  • exercitus, exercitūs m
  • pugna,ae f


  • unus, una, unum adj
  • nullus, nulla, nullum adj
    no, none, not any
  • tantus, tanta, tantum
    so large, so great, of such a size
  • meus, mea, meum
  • tuus, tua, tuum
    yours (singular)
  • suus, sua, suum
    (3d person reflexive possessive) his own, her own, their own, etc
  • multus, multa, multum
    much, many
  • magnus, magna, magnum
    great, large
  • omnis, omne
    all, every
  • pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum
    pretty, handsome
  • ācer, ācris, ācre
    sharp, biting
  • cum + abl (preposition)
  • ad + acc
    to, towards, near to
  • in + acc
    into, toward
  • in + abl
    in, on
  • ā / ab + abl
    from, by
  • post (adv. and prep + acc)
  • sī / nisī
    if / if not, unless
  • cum (conjunction)
    when, since, because, although (note mood of verb)
  • ego, nos, tu, vos
    I, we, you,
  • Se
  • Relative pronoun:
    qui, quae, quod
  • is, ea, id
    this / that; he/she/it/them
  • idem, eadem, idem
    the same
  • hic, haec, hoc
  • ipse, ipsa, ipsum
    (intensive) e.g., myself, yourself, etc; the very
  • ille, illa, illum
  • dubitō, dubitāre, dubitāvī, dubitātum
    to doubt; to hesitate (+ infinitive)
  • praestō, praestāre, praestitī, praestitum
    to excel, exhibit, exceed, stand before (cf. prae + stō)
  • dēsistō, desistere, destitī, destitum
    to cease (from), to desist (cf. dē + sistō)
  • antecēdō, antecēdere, antecessī, antecessum
    to go before, to surpass, to excel (ante + cēdō)
  • pellō, pellere, pepulī, pulsum
    to push, to drive, to expel, to strike
  • proficīscor, proficīscī, profectus sum**
    to set out, to depart
  • congredior, congredī, congressus sum
    to meet with, to meet (cf. con + gradior)
  • cōnor, cōnārī, conātus sum
    to undertake, try
  • possum, posse, potuī*
    to be able, can, have power (often + infinitive)
  • dēvincō, dēvincere, dēvīcī, dēvictum
    to conquer thoroughly, subjugate (dē + vincō)
  • faciō, facere, fēcī, factum
    to make, do (this verb has many compounds)
  • reddō, reddere, redidī, redditum
    to return (cf. re + dō)
  • ferō, ferre, tulī, latum*
    to carry, bear (this verb has many compounds)
  • inferō, inferre, intulī, inlatum*
    to bring, carry in, place on
  • fore
    short for futūrus/a/um esse
  • eō, īre, iī / ivī, itum*
    to go (this verb has many compounds)
  • adeō*
    to go to, towards; trānseō* - to go over, go across, pass over, pass by
  • volō, velle, voluī*
    to wish, want
  • nēmō, nēminis n.
    no one
  • gens, gentis, f
    people, tribe, nation
  • odium, odiī n
  • hērēditas, hērēditātis, f
  • cupiditas,ātis, f


  • voluntas, ātis, f


  • aetās, aetātis, f
  • tempus, temporis, n
  • fides, fideī f
    trust, confidence, faith
  • cēterus, cētera, cēterum adj.
    the other, the rest
  • absēns, absentis adj.
  • utpote
    namely, since
  • simul
    at the same time
  • umquam / numquam
    ever / never
  • autem
    but, on the other hand, however
  • ita
    so, thus
  • ergā (+ acc )
    towards, against
  • apud (+ acc)
    at, near, among
  • interficiō, interficere, interfēcī, interfectum
  • efficiō, efficere, effēcī, effectum
    bring about, complete; render ( +ut + subj.)
  • dēferō, dēferre, dētulī, dēlatum
    carry away, report, hand over
  • agō, agere, ēgī, āctum
    drive away, do, act; to give thanks (+ gratiās)
  • subigō, subigere, subēgī, subāctum
    conquer, subdue
  • relinquō, linquere ‒līquī ‒lictum


  • conflīgō, flīgere ‒flīxī ‒flīctum -

    clash, fight

  • praesum, esse, -fuī

    preside or take charge over (+ dat)

  • petō, petere, petīvī/petiī, petītum
    to seek, aim at
  • ūtor ūtī ūsus sum
    use, employ, apply (+abl.)