2023-11-07T00:13:37+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>Census (count of population)</p>, <p>Year</p>, <p>Student</p>, <p>Marriage</p>, <p>Hill</p>, <p>Dead</p>, <p>His own, her own, their own</p>, <p>To owe, should</p>, <p>To give</p>, <p>Meanwhile</p>, <p>By</p> flashcards
Latin Vocab 4

Latin Vocab 4

  • Census (count of population)

    Census, censi, m

  • Year

    Annus, anni, m.

  • Student

    Discipulus, discipuli, m.

  • Marriage

    Matrimonium, matrimonii, n

  • Hill

    Mons, montis, m.

  • Dead

    Mortuus, mortua, mortuum

  • His own, her own, their own

    Suus, sua, suum

  • To owe, should

    Debeo, debere, debui, debitus

  • To give

    Do, dare, dedi, datus

  • Meanwhile


  • By

    a (with line on top a)