2024-01-25T14:19:12+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>Common feather-moss (example of a Byrophyte) </p>, <p>Water earwort (example of a Byrophyte)</p>, <p>Hart's-tongue fern (example of a Pteridophytes)</p>, <p>Shuttlecock fern (example of a Pteridophytes)</p>, <p>Leyland cypress (example of a Gymnosperm)</p>, <p>Monkey puzzle tree (example of a Gymnosperm)</p>, <p>Primrose (example of an Angiosperm)</p>, <p>Strawberry tree (example of an Angiosperm)</p>, <p>Couch grass (example of a Monocotyledon)</p>, <p>Yellow iris (example of a Monocotyledon)</p>, <p>Common oak (example of a Eudicotyledon)</p>, <p>Blackberry/brambles (example of a Eudicotyledon)</p>, <p>Sheperd's purse (example of an Ephemeral)</p>, <p>Groundsel (example of an Ephemeral)</p>, <p>Cornflower (example of an Annual)</p>, <p>Cosmea (example of an Annual)</p>, <p>Foxglove (example of a Biennial)</p>, <p>Wild carrot (example of a Biennial)</p>, <p>Perennial phlox (example of a Herbaceous perennial)</p>, <p>Shuttlecock fern (example of a Herbaceous perennial)</p>, <p>Castor oil plant/Japanese aralia (example of a Woody perennial)</p>, <p>Beech (example of a Woody perennial)</p>, <p>Blackberry cv. (example of a cultivar)</p>, <p>Ivy cv. (example of a cultivar)</p>, <p>Clematis montana var. (example of a variety)</p>, <p>Snake's head (example of a variety)</p>, <p>Example of a intergeneric hybrid (ivy and castor oil plant)</p>, <p>Example of a interspecific hybrid (Primula vulgaris and Primula veris)</p>, <p>Corn (example of wind pollination)</p>, <p>Hazel (example of wind pollination)</p>, <p>Buddleja (insect pollinated)</p>, <p>Primrose (insect pollinated)</p> flashcards
Latin names

Latin names

  • Common feather-moss (example of a Byrophyte)

    Kindbergia praelonga

  • Water earwort (example of a Byrophyte)

    Scapania undulata

  • Hart's-tongue fern (example of a Pteridophytes)

    Asplenium scolopendrium

  • Shuttlecock fern (example of a Pteridophytes)

    Matteuccia struthiopteris

  • Leyland cypress (example of a Gymnosperm)

    Cuprocyparis leylandii

  • Monkey puzzle tree (example of a Gymnosperm)

    Araucaria araucana

  • Primrose (example of an Angiosperm)

    Primula vulgaris

  • Strawberry tree (example of an Angiosperm)

    Arbutus unedo

  • Couch grass (example of a Monocotyledon)

    Elymus repens

  • Yellow iris (example of a Monocotyledon)

    Iris pseudacorus

  • Common oak (example of a Eudicotyledon)

    Quercus robur

  • Blackberry/brambles (example of a Eudicotyledon)

    Rubus fruticosus

  • Sheperd's purse (example of an Ephemeral)

    Capsella bursa-pastoris

  • Groundsel (example of an Ephemeral)

    Senecio vulgaris

  • Cornflower (example of an Annual)

    Centaurea cyanus

  • Cosmea (example of an Annual)

    Cosmos bipinnatus

  • Foxglove (example of a Biennial)

    Digitalis purpurea

  • Wild carrot (example of a Biennial)

    Davcus carota

  • Perennial phlox (example of a Herbaceous perennial)

    Phlox paniculata

  • Shuttlecock fern (example of a Herbaceous perennial)

    Matteuccia struthiopteris

  • Castor oil plant/Japanese aralia (example of a Woody perennial)

    Fatsia japonica

  • Beech (example of a Woody perennial)

    Fagus sylvatica

  • Blackberry cv. (example of a cultivar)

    Rubus fruticosus 'Loch Ness'

  • Ivy cv. (example of a cultivar)

    Hedara helix 'Silver'

  • Clematis montana var. (example of a variety)

    Clematis montana var. rubens

  • Snake's head (example of a variety)

    Fritillaria meleagris var. unicolor subvar. alba

  • Example of a intergeneric hybrid (ivy and castor oil plant)

    x Fatshedra lizei

  • Example of a interspecific hybrid (Primula vulgaris and Primula veris)

    Primula x polyantha

  • Corn (example of wind pollination)

    Zea mays

  • Hazel (example of wind pollination)

    Corylus avellana

  • Buddleja (insect pollinated)

    Buddleja davidii

  • Primrose (insect pollinated)

    Primula vulgaris