2023-03-21T14:47:32+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>prokaryotae</p>, <p>proct<em>ista</em></p>, <p>fungi</p>, <p>plantae</p>, <p>animalia</p> flashcards

kingdoms organisms grade 8 etc

different kingdoms and there characteristics

  • prokaryotae

    are unicellur

    very small

    no nucleus

    have cytoplasm

    no membrane

    has cell wall made of murein

    some bacteria have slim capsule surrounding cell wall

    genetic material is in circular dna in cytoplasm

    very small ribosomes

    have flagellum while others have flagella

  • proctista

    few are unicellular and alot are multicellurar

    they have nucleas [eukaryotic]

    dont have proper roots,stems,leaves

  • fungi

    are multicellur except for yeast

    have nucleas

    no chloroplast and chlorophyll

    cell wall made of chitin

    produce spores

  • plantae

    are multicellular

    have nucleas

    cell wall made of chelulose

    has chloroplast with chlorophyll

    autrophic organisms

    store food from starch

  • animalia

    are multicellular

    have nucleas


    dont have chloroplast

    dont have cell wall

    have muscles and nerves